Archive | March, 2011

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Journalism Leadership @ Teesside University

Posted on 15 March 2011 by BMMBoxer

Course Branch: Media and Journalism

Course Name: Journalism Leadership (MA)

Location City, Country
: Middlesbrough, UK

School of Arts and Media

Teesside University

University Description: Teesside University offers an exciting and distinctive range of media courses, enabling you to develop skills, knowledge and confidence you will need for a career in the media and communications industries.

Course Description: Students will study a specific, industry-based challenge, covering a range of topics such as monetisation, marketing, market development, organisational structure, convergence, ethical practice and new operational models. The course aims to develop experienced journalists as leaders and managers capable of taking their businesses forward in the current industrial context.
The first stage comprises three 20-credit modules and in the second candidates  complete a final 60-credit work-based project.

Duration In Years (In Months): Full time – 1 year (12 mths) Part-time – 2 yrs (24 mths)

Eligibility Criteria: Candidates will be evaluated on an individual basis and the level of their achievement, experience and suitability for the degree will be properly assessed. One should have the NCTJ National Certificate Examination for News Reporters and normally have a first or 2.1 in a recognised undergraduate programme.

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Journalism @ Teesside University

Posted on 15 March 2011 by BMMBoxer

Course Branch: Media and Journalism

Course Name: Journalism (MA)

Location City, Country
: Middlesbrough, UK

School of Arts and Media

Teesside University

University Description: Teesside University offers an exciting and distinctive range of media courses, enabling you to develop skills, knowledge and confidence you will need for a career in the media and communications industries.

Course Description: In the course of the programme, students will have the opportunity to compile a substantial portfolio of published work, working closely with our partner organisation, the Evening Gazette (part of the Trinity Mirror Group). They will also undertake a major journalism project in a subject area of your choice.

Duration In Years (In Months): Full-time – 1 year (12mth)

Part-time – Min. 2 years(24 mths)

Eligibility Criteria: Each applicant is evaluated on an individual basis and their level of achievement, experience and appropriateness for the degree properly assessed. Applicants should normally have a first or 2.1 in a recognised undergraduate programme. All candidates will be required to attend an informal interview, including a test of your written English and knowledge of current affairs. In the event that this poses a problem, arrangements can be made for telephone or Skype interviews and for online testing.

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New Media, Governance and Democracy @ University of Leicester

Posted on 14 March 2011 by BMMBoxer

Course Branch: Media and Communication

Course Name: New media, Governance and Democracy (MA/Postgraduate Diploma)

Location City, Country
: Leicester, UK

College: Centre for Mass Communication and Research (CMCR)

University of Leicester

University Description: Leicester is a leading university, ranked 12th by the Guardian University Guide and 15th and top in the region by the Times Good University Guide. The programmes are firmly rooted in a strong research culture. There are opportunities to participate in specialist courses and multi-disciplinary research.

Course Description: This programme allows you to build on the broad introduction to media and communication research and specialize by studying the developments that have occurred around the world in the provision of electronic government. The programme examines the political, economic and social reasons for the establishment of e-government and examines online government developments in the wider context of debates about e-democracy and the civic engagement of citizens. The establishment of e-government is critically examined against the rapid spread and adoption of new information and communication technologies (ICTs).

Duration In Years (In Months): 2 years (24 mths) by Distance Learning

Eligibility Criteria: Candidates should normally have at least a good second class honours degree in any discipline, though a Social Science degree would be particularly relevant, from an institution recognised by the University. Applicants who do not have a first degree, but who can demonstrate other relevant qualifications and/or experience may also be considered.

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New Media and Society @ University of Leicester

Posted on 14 March 2011 by BMMBoxer

Course Branch: Media and Communication

Course Name: New Media and Society (MA/Postgraduate Diploma)

Location City, Country
: Leicester, UK

College: Centre for Mass Communication and Research (CMCR)

University of Leicester

University Description: Leicester is a leading university, ranked 12th by the Guardian University Guide and 15th and top in the region by the Times Good University Guide. The programmes are firmly rooted in a strong research culture. There are opportunities to participate in specialist courses and multi-disciplinary research.

Course Description: Full Time – The MA New Media and Society degree is a one-year full time taught course providing students with a comprehensive grounding in the theories, approaches and research necessary for studying, analyzing, and understanding new media and information structures and processes in both national and global contexts. The focus of the course is on new media technologies and their impact and influences on society, culture, politics and economics. The course aims to introduce and critically examine the advent of the information society in all its dimensions.

Distance Learning – In addition to a thorough grounding in the origins, theoretical development and research methods used in the study of media and communication research this programme offers access to academic knowledge about the history, growth and development of the Internet and other related wired and wireless technologies, the different applications to which new communications technologies have been put, and their social and psychological impact upon users and societies.

Duration In Years (In Months): 1 year (12 mths) Full Time
2 years (24 mths) by Distance Learning

Eligibility Criteria: Candidates should normally have at least a good second class honours degree in any discipline, though a Social Science degree would be particularly relevant, from an institution recognised by the University. Applicants who do not have a first degree, but who can demonstrate other relevant qualifications and/or experience may also be considered.

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Media and Public Relations @ University of Leicester

Posted on 14 March 2011 by BMMBoxer

Course Branch: Media and Communication

Course Name: Media and Public Relations (MA)

Location City, Country
: Leicester, UK

College: Centre for Mass Communication and Research (CMCR)

University of Leicester

University Description: Leicester is a leading university, ranked 12th by the Guardian University Guide and 15th and top in the region by the Times Good University Guide. The programmes are firmly rooted in a strong research culture. There are opportunities to participate in specialist courses and multi-disciplinary research.

Course Description: The programme aims to teach students about the principles and practice of public relations by examining the structure of the PR sector and the way it works. The programme will cover the history and development of public relations in different parts of the world. It will explore career opportunities in PR and the skills that are important in this profession. It will examine basic PR strategies and the use of research to inform PR campaigns and to measure their impact and effectiveness. Case studies will be used to illustrate successful and ineffective PR campaigns and teach students how to construct their own PR campaigns and to determine the most appropriate techniques to use in respect of specific promotional challenges. The course will also cover corporate advertising and public relations and will examine how commercial businesses use PR techniques to promote themselves to their customers and employees.

Duration In Years (In Months): 1 year (12 mths) Full Time

Eligibility Criteria: At least a good second class honours degree in any discipline, though a Social Science degree would be particularly relevant, from an institution recognised by the University. Applicants who do not have a first degree, but who can demonstrate other relevant qualifications and/or experience may also be considered.

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Media and Communication Research @ University of Leicester

Posted on 14 March 2011 by BMMBoxer

Course Branch: Media and Communication

Course Name: Media and Communication Research (MSc)

Location City, Country
: Leicester, UK

College: Centre for Mass Communication and Research (CMCR)

University of Leicester

University Description: Leicester is a leading university, ranked 12th by the Guardian University Guide and 15th and top in the region by the Times Good University Guide. The programmes are firmly rooted in a strong research culture. There are opportunities to participate in specialist courses and multi-disciplinary research.

Course Description: The course aims to provide a thorough grounding in the theories, approaches and research necessary for studying, analysing, and understanding media and communication processes in both national and global contexts. The course provides students with training necessary for pursuing advanced postgraduate study and research in media, culture and communication.

Duration In Years (In Months): 1 year (12 mths) Full Time

Eligibility Criteria: A good second class honours degree in any discipline, though a social science degree would be particularly relevant, from an institution recognised by the university. Applicants who do not have a first degree, but who can demonstrate other relevant qualifications and/or experience may also be considered.

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Media and Advertising @ University of Leicester

Posted on 14 March 2011 by BMMBoxer

Course Branch: Media and Communication

Course Name: Media and Advertising (MA)

Location City, Country
: Leicester, UK

College: Centre for Mass Communication and Research (CMCR)

University of Leicester

University Description: Leicester is a leading university, ranked 12th by the Guardian University Guide and 15th and top in the region by the Times Good University Guide. The programmes are firmly rooted in a strong research culture. There are opportunities to participate in specialist courses and multi-disciplinary research.

Course Description: It aims to enhance students knowledge and understanding about advertising as an activity and as an industry. It will teach students about the history of advertising and the structure of the advertising sector in the UK and in other parts of the world. it will teach analytical techniques for the assessment of advertising techniques and practices and for measuring their effectiveness in shaping consumer’s brand awareness and purchase choices and behaviours.

Duration In Years (In Months): 1 year (12 mths) Full Time

Eligibility Criteria: At least a good second class honours degree in any discipline, though a Social Science degree would be particularly relevant, from an institution recognised by the University. Applicants who do not have a first degree, but who can demonstrate other relevant qualifications and/or experience may also be considered.

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Mass Communications @ University of Leicester

Posted on 14 March 2011 by BMMBoxer

Course Branch: Media and Communication

Course Name: Mass Communication (MA/Postgraduate Diploma/Postgraduate Certificate)

Location City, Country
: Leicester, UK

College: Centre for Mass Communication and Research (CMCR)

University of Leicester

University Description: Leicester is a leading university, ranked 12th by the Guardian University Guide and 15th and top in the region by the Times Good University Guide. The programmes are firmly rooted in a strong research culture. There are opportunities to participate in specialist courses and multi-disciplinary research.

Course Description: Full Time – The course aims to provide a thorough grounding in the theories, approaches and research necessary for studying, analysing, and understanding media and communication processes in both national and global contexts. The course enables the students to critically engage with contemporary debates on social, political and cultural roles and communication in modern societies.

Distance Learning – The course aims to equip students for research and analysis of media production, texts and audiences in global context. The course integrates critical theory with issues of policy and professional practice for students who work in any of the various sectors of the communications industries and professions, or who aspire to do so, or who are involved in media education and training.

Duration In Years (In Months): 1 year (12 mths) Full Time

2 years (24 mths) by Distance Learning

Eligibility Criteria: A good second class honours degree in any discipline, though a social science degree would be particularly relevant, from an institution recognised by the university. Applicants who do not have a first degree, but who can demonstrate other relevant qualifications and/or experience may also be considered.

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