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Strategic Public Relations and Communication Management @ University of Stirling

Posted on 09 March 2011 by BMMBoxer

Course Branch: Film, Media and Journalism

Course Name: Strategic Public Relations and Communication Management

Master’s in Literature (MSc)

Postgraduate Diploma

Location City, Country: Scotland, UK

College: School of Arts and Humanities

University: University of Stirling

University Description: The University of Stirling is a vibrant community of scholars, located at the heart of Scotland. Around 2,000 postgraduate students are studying for Master’s and Doctorate degrees and are tutored by world class scholars and researchers. The University also offers over 60 Master’s courses and provides opportunities to undertake Professional Doctorates, Master’s by research and PhD programmes. The University is defined by its commitment to quality: quality in research, quality in education and quality of the student experience.

Course Description: The MSc in Strategic Public Relations and Communication Management equips you with the necessary practical and analytical skills for a professional career and it examines how to design, implement and evaluate public relations (PR) and programmes.

Duration In Years (In Months):

1 year (12 months)

Fee Structure: £10200 (approx Rs. 751248)

Eligibility Criteria:
Qualifications equivalent to an upper second class undergraduate degree from a university or college recognised by the University of Stirling. Applications will also be considered from those with significant experience in public relations, but without the normal qualifications for entry (normally for the Diploma in the first instance).

If English is not your first language, you must provide evidence of your proficiency such as a minimum IELTS score of 6.5 (minimum 6 in each skill) or TOEFL 577/233/90 (Paper/Computer/Internet).

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Strategic Public Relations and Communication Management @ University of Stirling + University of Lund (Sweden)

Posted on 09 March 2011 by BMMBoxer

Course Name: Strategic Public Relations and Communication Management

(Master’s in European Public Relations, joint programme with university of lund, Sweden)

  • Master’s in Literature (MSc)
  • Postgraduate Diploma

Location City, Country: Scotland, UK

College: School of Arts and Humanities

University: University of Stirling

University Description: The University of Stirling is a vibrant community of scholars, located at the heart of Scotland. Around 2,000 postgraduate students are studying for Master’s and Doctorate degrees and are tutored by world class scholars and researchers. The University also offers over 60 Master’s courses and provides opportunities to undertake Professional Doctorates, Master’s by research and PhD programmes. The University is defined by its commitment to quality: quality in research, quality in education and quality of the student experience.

Course Description: The variant of the MSc in Strategic Public Relations and Communication Management programme provides students with a solid European and International perspective in Public Relations.

Duration In Years (In Months):

1 year (12 months)

Fee Structure: £10200 (approx Rs. 751248)

Eligibility Criteria: Qualifications equivalent to an upper second class undergraduate degree from a university or college recognised by the University of Stirling. Applications will also be considered from those with significant experience in public relations, but without the normal qualifications for entry (normally for the Diploma in the first instance).

If English is not your first language, you must provide evidence of your proficiency such as a minimum IELTS score of 6.5 (minimum 6 in each skill) or TOEFL 577/233/90 (Paper/Computer/Internet).

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Public Relations, Theory and Education (Online) @ University of Stirling

Posted on 09 March 2011 by BMMBoxer

Course Branch: Film, Media and Journalism

Course Name: Public Relations, Theory and Education (Online)

  • Postgraduate Diploma
  • Master’s in Literature (MLitt)

Location City, Country: Scotland, UK

College: School of Arts and Humanities

University: University of Stirling

University Description: The University of Stirling is a vibrant community of scholars, located at the heart of Scotland. Around 2,000 postgraduate students are studying for Master’s and Doctorate degrees and are tutored by world class scholars and researchers. The University also offers over 60 Master’s courses and provides opportunities to undertake Professional Doctorates, Master’s by research and PhD programmes. The University is defined by its commitment to quality: quality in research, quality in education and quality of the student experience.

Course Description: The MLitt in Public Relations, Theory and Education is designed for practitioners and others who wish to pursue part-time or full-time teaching and research opportunities in public relations. It provides a thorough grounding in public relations theory and also explores the extensive literature in public relations on the subjects of education, training and professionalization. The degree is a bridge between practice and theory and is a useful basis for progression to PhD.

Duration In Years (In Months): Online: 2.5 yrs (30 months)

Fee Structure: £9060 (approx Rs. 667285)

Eligibility Criteria: Qualifications equivalent to an upper second class undergraduate degree from a university or college recognised by the University of Stirling. Applications will also be considered from those with significant experience in public relations, but without the normal qualifications for entry (normally for the Diploma in the first instance).

If English is not your first language, you must provide evidence of your proficiency such as a minimum IELTS score of 6.5 (minimum 6 in each skill) or TOEFL 577/233/90 (Paper/Computer/Internet).

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Public Communications Management @ University of Stirling

Posted on 09 March 2011 by BMMBoxer

Course Branch: Film, Media and Journalism

Course Name: Public Communications Management

  • MSc
  • Postgraduate Diploma
  • Postgraduate Certificate

Location City, Country: Scotland, UK

College: School of Arts and Humanities

University: University of Stirling

University Description: The University of Stirling is a vibrant community of scholars, located at the heart of Scotland. Around 2,000 postgraduate students are studying for Master’s and Doctorate degrees and are tutored by world class scholars and researchers. The University also offers over 60 Master’s courses and provides opportunities to undertake Professional Doctorates, Master’s by research and PhD programmes. The University is defined by its commitment to quality: quality in research, quality in education and quality of the student experience.

Course Description: This programme critically examines a range of topical issues and perspectives relating to professional communications such as advertising, public affairs and speech writing.

Duration In Years (In Months):

MSc: 0.9 yrs (11 months) Diploma: 0.75 yrs (9 months) Certificate: 0.25 yrs (3 months)

MSc: 2.1 yrs (25 months) Diploma: 1.75 yrs (21 months) Certificate: 0.75 yrs (9 months)

Fee Structure: £10200 (approx Rs. 751248)

Eligibility Criteria: At least an upper second class Honours degree or equivalent professional qualifications or significant and relevant work experience.

If English is not your first language, you must provide evidence of your proficiency such as a minimum IELTS score of 6.5 (minimum 6.0 in each skill) or TOEFL 577/233/90 (Paper/Computer/Internet). A first degree taught in English will satisfy this condition, as will satisfactory completion of an appropriate English language programme at the University’s Centre for English Language Teaching.

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Public Communications Management (Online) @ University of Stirling

Posted on 09 March 2011 by BMMBoxer

Course Branch: Film, Media and Journalism

Course Name: Public Communications Management (Online)

  • MSc
  • Postgraduate Diploma
  • Postgraduate Certificate

Location City, Country: Scotland, UK

College: School of Arts and Humanities

University: University of Stirling

University Description: The University of Stirling is a vibrant community of scholars, located at the heart of Scotland. Around 2,000 postgraduate students are studying for Master’s and Doctorate degrees and are tutored by world class scholars and researchers. The University also offers over 60 Master’s courses and provides opportunities to undertake Professional Doctorates, Master’s by research and PhD programmes. The University is defined by its commitment to quality: quality in research, quality in education and quality of the student experience.

Course Description: This degree provides knowledge and skills in the areas of public affairs, advocacy, government relations, social influence, persuasive communication, rhetoric, speech writing, public diplomacy, project management, media relations and specialist skills in conflict resolution and negotiation.

Duration In Years (In Months):

MSc: 2.1 yrs (25 months)
Diploma: 1.75 yrs (21 months)
Certificate: 0.75 yrs (9 months)

Fee Structure: £10200 (approx Rs. 751248)

Eligibility Criteria: At least an upper second class Honours degree or equivalent professional qualifications or significant and relevant work experience.

If English is not your first language, you must provide evidence of your proficiency such as a minimum IELTS score of 6.5 (minimum 6.0 in each skill) or TOEFL 577/233/90 (Paper/Computer/Internet). A first degree taught in English will satisfy this condition, as will satisfactory completion of an appropriate English language programme at the University’s Centre for English Language Teaching.

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Media Research @ University of Stirling

Posted on 09 March 2011 by BMMBoxer

Course Branch: Film, Media and Journalism

Course Name: Media Research (Masters)

  • Postgraduate Diploma
  • Research Master’s (MRes)

Location City, Country: Scotland, UK

College: School of Arts and Humanities

University: University of Stirling

University Description: The University of Stirling is a vibrant community of scholars, located at the heart of Scotland. Around 2,000 postgraduate students are studying for Master’s and Doctorate degrees and are tutored by world class scholars and researchers. The University also offers over 60 Master’s courses and provides opportunities to undertake Professional Doctorates, Master’s by research and PhD programmes. The University is defined by its commitment to quality: quality in research, quality in education and quality of the student experience.

Course Description: This master’s degree provides advanced skills in social science research and applied aspects of media theory. The training gives you knowledge of quantitative and qualitative methods of social science inquiry and enables you to develop your personal interests in the media research.

Duration In Years (In Months):


Eligibility Criteria: A good first degree in a relevant subject area. This normally means a degree whose classification is equivalent to the award of an upper second class Honours degree or better at a UK university. Candidates without formal academic qualifications but with significant media experience at an appropriate level may also be considered for admission to the programme.

If English is not your first language, you must provide evidence of your proficiency such as a a minimum overall IELTS score of 6, (with at least 5 in each skill) or a minimum TOEFL score of 550/213/ (with a TWE of at least 4.0) /79-80

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Media Management @ University of Stirling

Posted on 09 March 2011 by BMMBoxer

Course Branch: Film, Media and Journalism

Course Name: Media Management (also available online)

  • MSc
  • Postgraduate Diploma

Location City, Country: Scotland, UK

College: School of Arts and Humanities

University: University of Stirling

University Description: The University of Stirling is a vibrant community of scholars, located at the heart of Scotland. Around 2,000 postgraduate students are studying for Master’s and Doctorate degrees and are tutored by world class scholars and researchers. The University also offers over 60 Master’s courses and provides opportunities to undertake Professional Doctorates, Master’s by research and PhD programmes. The University is defined by its commitment to quality: quality in research, quality in education and quality of the student experience.

Course Description: This programme is the first of its kind in the UK and has been running successfully since 1993.  It provides media practitioners with a wider analytical perspective and offers graduates a rigorous foundation for a career in the media industry.

Duration In Years (In Months):

Full-time: 1 year (12 months)
Part-time (online learning): 2.5 years (30 months)

Fee Structure: £10200 (approx Rs. 751248)

Eligibility Criteria: An upper second class Honours degree from a British Higher Education institution, or equivalent academic or professional qualification. Applications will also be considered from those with significant experience in the media but without the normal qualifications for entry.
Candidates who lack formal qualifications but can satisfy the selector of their ability to undertake postgraduate study will also be considered.

If English is not your first languages, you must provide evidence of you proficiency, such as a minimum IELTS score of 6 (minimum 5 in each skill) or TOEFL 550/213/79-80 (Paper/Computer/Internet).

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Media and Culture @ University of Stirling

Posted on 09 March 2011 by BMMBoxer

Course Branch: Film, Media and Journalism

Course Name: Media and Culture

  • Masters in Literature – Mlitt
  • Postgraduate Diploma

Location City, Country: Scotland, UK

College: School of Arts and Humanities

University: University of Stirling

University Description: The University of Stirling is a vibrant community of scholars, located at the heart of Scotland. Around 2,000 postgraduate students are studying for Master’s and Doctorate degrees and are tutored by world class scholars and researchers. The University also offers over 60 Master’s courses and provides opportunities to undertake Professional Doctorates, Master’s by research and PhD programmes. The University is defined by its commitment to quality: quality in research, quality in education and quality of the student experience.

Course Description: This MLitt will enable you to develop theoretical understanding and research expertise in Media and culture at an advanced level. The programme examines a range of historical and theoretical approaches, canvassing key debates within these fields.

Duration In Years (In Months):

Masters in Literature (MLitt): 0.9 yrs (11 months); Diploma: 0.75 yrs (9 months)


MLitt: 2 years (24 months)

Fee Structure: £10400 (approx Rs.765978)

Eligibility Criteria: A graduate who has an Honours degree, normally at upper second class, or the equivalent, from a university or college recognised by the University of Stirling, or an applicant who has an equivalent academic or professional qualification, will be considered for admission as a candidate for the MLitt or the Diploma.

A graduate with an Ordinary or General degree from a University or college recognised by the University of Stirling will be considered for Diploma study.

Exceptionally, experienced applicants without formal academic qualifications but occupying managerial positions may be considered for admission if they can satisfy the University of Stirling of their ability to undertake postgraduate study.

If English is not your first language, you must provide evidence of your proficiency such as a minimum IELTS score of 6 (minimum 5 in each skill) or TOEFL 550/213/79-80 (Paper/Computer/Internet).

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