Archive | March, 2011

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Visual Communication @ University of Gloucestershire

Posted on 16 March 2011 by BMMBoxer

Course Branch: Media, Art and Communication

Course Name: Visual Communication

Location City, Country
: Cheltenham, UK

Department of Communication and Media Production

University of Gloucestershire

University Description: The university has been awarded Skillset Media Academy status in recognition of the excellence in this area. While the courses are firmly grounded in theory and set in the rapidly moving context of the media industry, they provide real opportunities for students to experience the workplace, work on ‘live’ briefs and begin to build up the contacts that will help them make it in this competitive world.

Course Description:
In this rapidly developing environment, the most successful practitioners are those people who can embrace alternative approaches, adopt the widest range of skills, and fully appreciate the many methods of media communication. To help meet the challenge of multi-disciplinary design communication, the University of Gloucestershire has developed this innovative MA programme that draws on the strengths of its staff working across many creative fields. Graphic Design, Photography, Illustration, Digital, Moving Image and Animation are just some of the complementary disciplines that students will be able to explore during this one year MA programme.

Duration: 1 year (12 mths) Full time

Fee Structure:
£8995 (approx. Rs. 6,52,216)

Eligibility Criteria: Entry will be by portfolio assessment. In addition, a good honours degree in a relevant subject area.

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Media and Creative Enterprise @ University of Gloucestershire

Posted on 16 March 2011 by BMMBoxer

Course Branch: Media, Art and Communication

Course Name: Media and Creative Enterprise (MA)

Location City, Country
: Cheltenham, UK

Department of Communication and Media Production

University of Gloucestershire

University Description: The university has been awarded Skillset Media Academy status in recognition of the excellence in this area. While the courses are firmly grounded in theory and set in the rapidly moving context of the media industry, they provide real opportunities for students to experience the workplace, work on ‘live’ briefs and begin to build up the contacts that will help them make it in this competitive world.

Course Description:
This innovative and interdisciplinary course will embrace the personal, local, digital, global and technological possibilities and platforms for media and creative enterprise. The course is for those thinking about how they can be creative in and with media and who want to develop their skills for the ‘real world’, with a much clearer understanding of how the media and creative industries function. Graduates of this course will be prepared for their role as key creative leaders, thinkers and planners in the future of multi-platform media.

Duration: 1 year (12 mths) Full Time

Fee Structure: £8995 (approx. Rs. 6,52,216)

Eligibility Criteria: Good undergraduate degree.

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Journalism @ University of Gloucestershire

Posted on 16 March 2011 by BMMBoxer

Course Branch: Media, Art and Communication

Course Name: Journalism (MA)

Location City, Country
: Cheltenham, UK

Department of Communication and Media Production

University of Gloucestershire

University Description: The university has been awarded Skillset Media Academy status in recognition of the excellence in this area. While the courses are firmly grounded in theory and set in the rapidly moving context of the media industry, they provide real opportunities for students to experience the workplace, work on ‘live’ briefs and begin to build up the contacts that will help them make it in this competitive world.

Course Description:
It has at its core an academic approach to journalism, examining its place in  the community and wider society, its ethical and legal responsibilities and its relationship with government and the consumer. Students will examine this rapidly globalising  industry and the opportunities it offers them as creative entrepreneurs. At the heart of this course will be digital journalism and global news and communications. There will also be advanced practical modules and an optional work placement to prepare students with the employability skills they need to enter any part of the media industry.

Duration: 1 year (12 mths) Full Time

Fee Structure: £8995 (approx. Rs. 6,52,216)

Eligibility Criteria: Good undergraduate degree. International applicants must have IELTS 7.0 (6.5 in writing) or a recognised equivalent.

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Film and Screen Enterprise @ University of Gloucestershire

Posted on 16 March 2011 by BMMBoxer

Course Branch: Media, Art and Communication

Course Name: Film and Screen Enterprise (MA)

Location City, Country
: Cheltenham, UK

Department of Communication and Media Production

University of Gloucestershire

University Description: The university has been awarded Skillset Media Academy status in recognition of the excellence in this area. While the courses are firmly grounded in theory and set in the rapidly moving context of the media industry, they provide real opportunities for students to experience the workplace, work on ‘live’ briefs and begin to build up the contacts that will help them make it in this competitive world.

Course Description:
This innovative and interdisciplinary course will embrace the personal, local, digital, global and technological possibilities and platforms for screen media cultures. The course is for those interested in engaging with the history, development, consumption and creativity required in the production of screen media in all its forms, from film through to mobile video phones. Students will gain a clearer understanding of how screen cultures operate, from the production culture of industries to fan cultures.

Duration: 1 year ( 12 mths) Full Time

Fee Structure: £8995 (approx. Rs. 6,52,216)

Eligibility Criteria: Good undergraduate degree

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Television Production @ Teesside University

Posted on 15 March 2011 by BMMBoxer

Course Branch: Media and Journalism

Course Name: Television Production (MA)

Location City, Country
: Middlesbrough, UK

School of Arts and Media

Teesside University

University Description: Teesside University offers an exciting and distinctive range of media courses, enabling you to develop skills, knowledge and confidence you will need for a career in the media and communications industries.

Course Description: The course is structured around the study of nascent media practices in order to inform the development of original production practices and content creation. Uniquely, the production module is situated in the middle of the year. This is to allow for the development and exploitation of proposals and research for projects in the final stage of your studies which can be taken to industry upon graduation. The media industry needs new ideas, not another traditional student film.

Duration In Years (In Months): Full time – 1 year (12 mths)

Eligibility Criteria: This is a specialist course designed for media practice graduates who have achieved a first or 2.1 in a relevant undergraduate programme, or applicants with proven moving image production experience. Applicants will be interviewed.

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Multimedia Public Relations @ Teesside University

Posted on 15 March 2011 by BMMBoxer

Course Branch: Media and Journalism

Course Name: Multimedia Public Relations (MA)

Location City, Country
: Middlesbrough, UK

School of Arts and Media

Teesside University

University Description: Teesside University offers an exciting and distinctive range of media courses, enabling you to develop skills, knowledge and confidence you will need for a career in the media and communications industries.

Course Description: The course aims to produce graduates who are confident multimedia professionals, with a range of higher-level professional skills and a reflective awareness of contemporary issues in the field. The course focuses on new and emerging areas within the discipline, from both a practical, professional perspective and from a critical, analytical point of view. Students will develop as reflective practitioners with sophisticated transferable skills, and the ability to take responsibility for their own future learning and development.

Duration In Years (In Months): Full time – 1 year (12 mths) Part-time – 2 yrs (24 mths)

Eligibility Criteria: Candidates will be evaluated on an individual basis and the level of your achievement, experience and suitability for the degree will be properly assessed. One should normally have a first or 2.1 in a recognised undergraduate programme.

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Multimedia Journalism @ Teesside University

Posted on 15 March 2011 by BMMBoxer

Course Branch: Media and Journalism

Course Name: Multimedia Journalism (MA)

Location City, Country
: Middlesbrough, UK

School of Arts and Media

Teesside University

University Description: Teesside University offers an exciting and distinctive range of media courses, enabling you to develop skills, knowledge and confidence you will need for a career in the media and communications industries.

Course Description: Students will learn news values, news story construction, news writing, and how to make audio and video for websites. They will compile a substantial portfolio of published work, working closely with our partner organisation, the Evening Gazette (part of the Trinity Mirror Group). You also undertake a major journalism project in a subject area of your choice.
The first stage comprises four 20-credit modules and one 40-credit module, and in the second a final 60-credit dissertation.

Duration In Years (In Months): Full time – 1 year (12 mths) Part-time – 2 yrs (24 mths)

Eligibility Criteria: Candidates will be evaluated on an individual basis and the level of their achievement, experience and suitability for the degree will be properly assessed. One should normally have a first or 2.1 in a recognised undergraduate programme.

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Mass Communication @ Teesside University

Posted on 15 March 2011 by BMMBoxer

Course Branch: Media and Journalism

Course Name: Mass Communication (MA)

Location City, Country
: Middlesbrough, UK

School of Arts and Media

Teesside University

University Description: Teesside University offers an exciting and distinctive range of media courses, enabling you to develop skills, knowledge and confidence you will need for a career in the media and communications industries.

Course Description: The course focuses on new and emerging areas within the discipline, from both a practical, professional perspective and from a critical, analytical point of view. We develop reflective practitioners with sophisticated transferable skills, and the ability to take responsibility for their own future learning and development. The first stage comprises four 20-credit modules and one 20-credit option module, and in the second a final 60-credit project.

Duration In Years (In Months): Full time – 1 year (12 mths) Part-time – 2 yrs (24 mths)

Eligibility Criteria: Candidates will be evaluated on an individual basis and the level of their achievement, experience and suitability for the degree will be properly assessed. One should normally have a first or 2.1 in a recognised undergraduate programme.

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