Posted on
23 January 2013
Marks: 100 (Theory:60, Internals: 40)
Topic of lectures
- Law
- Introduction to Laws
- Classification of Laws
- Copyright Act and Intellectual property Rights
- Official Secrets Act
- Press Council of India act 1978
- Contempt of courts Act, 1971
- Other Laws aimed at curbing press freedom
- Introduction of The Indian Evidence Act 1872
- Ethics
- Advertiser and Ownership influence and interference etc.
Marks: 100 (Theory:60, Internals: 40)
- ¾ To understand the development of broadcast journalism in India
- ¾ Lean skills and techniques required for broadcast journalism
- ¾ To learn how to handle equipment- a camcorder and recorder – for a story
- ¾ Regional language broadcast journalism to be examinaed as a growing and flourishing field
Topic of lectures
- History of the development of radio journalism
- The potential of radio as a broadcast medium
- Radio news formats
- Writing news for radio
- Skills of speaking over the radio
- Principles of sound and production techniques
- History of the development of TV Journalism
- TV journalism – local , regional, national and international
- TV news in the regional languages
- TV journalism formats ; evolution and popularity of new forms on TB
- Scripting news for TV
- Principles of video camera use
- Skills of anchoring or presenting
- Videotape editing
- Examining Broadcast journalism and allegations of ‘dumbing down’ of news
- Understanding the power of the image
Marks: 100 (Theory:60, Internals: 40)
Topic of lectures
- Brief history
- The structure of financial management
- The Budget preparation and presentation
- Companies, balance sheets, AGMs window dressing of balance sheets, the loopholes
- Stock exchange, Sensex and its ups and downs
- Ethics for business journalism
- Magazine journalism
- Magazines during post emergency
- Western craze among glossy women’s magazines
- Writing and editing for magazines
- Role of Alternative media to deal with people’s issues.
Marks: 100 (Theory:60, Internals: 40)
- ¾ Examine global journalism as a newly emerging reality – it’s implications, strengths and weakness
- ¾ To examine the journalistic scene in S.Asia
- ¾ Learning about the Internet as a news medium
- ¾ Equipping students with basic skills required for internet reporting and editing
Topic of lectures
- Global journalism
- Internet journalism
- Reporting and editing for the net
- Developing your own web site
- Internet design
- News Agencies
- International news flow
- Politics of representation of the ‘third world’ in international press
- International reporting
- Reporting International politics
- Challenges to international journalism
- International law and the role of Western media in defining human rights, and thinking the concept of human rights from a Third World media perspective
- Asian region and the need for greater connectivity
Marks: 100 (Theory:60, Internals: 40)
- ¾ To make students aware of the structure, functioning and responsibilities of managements of media orgainsations
- ¾ To create awareness of laws governing media orgainsations and their complexities in a globalised world in the wake of an information explosion.
Topic of lectures
- Types of ownership and their agendas
- Ideal management structure
- Management role in ensuring editorial freedom.
- Organisational structure
- Financial management
- Specialized training for skilled workers
- Marshalling resources
- Marketing strategies
- Challenges of globalization, liberalization
- Legal aspects
Max. Marks: 100 (Theory:60, Internals: 40)
- ¾ To sensitize students to the environment around them
- ¾ Developing a perspective towards issues related to the marginalized sections of the society
Topic of lectures
- Ecological system, services and Economics of Environmental Protection
- Concepts of human rights and civil liberties
- Regional issues – Economics, Social, Political
- Sugar Lobby, operation Flood, Terrorism, tribal Movement, etc.
Posted on
28 January 2010
- Introduction to Law
- Constitutional law
- Statutory law
- Judgment law
- Substantial and adjectival law
- The Press as the forth estate
- The role of law in regulating journalism-the debate of a libertarian and socially responsible press.
- Need for an autonomous regulatory body
- Press Council of India – the rationale and vision behind the establishment of the PCI
- Its structure, functions, history
- Powers – the debate over punitive powers
- Dual role in ensuring freedom of the press and regulating it
- PCI code of conduct for journalists
- Major cases handled by the PCI
- Pertinent research reports of the PCI for example on monopoly etc.
- Laws related to freedom of the Press – 19 (1) (a), ‘reasonable restrictions’ 19 (2) and other constraints:
- Defamation
- Public order
- Contempt of court
- Contempt of parliament
- Sedition
- Obscenity, indecent representation of women act
- Laws related to information access
- Right to information
- Examining the right to know vs. the right to privacy
- Censorship-the Press during the Emergency and Publication of Objectionable Matters Act.
- Indirect means of censorship Press and Page Act; targeting the Press through the tax laws and other laws, Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practices Act.
- Official Secrets Act
- Indian Evidence Act – real, oral, documentary, primary and secondary evidence
- Confidentiality of sources – the absence of a shield law in India; discussion of the American law
- Laws related to journalism as a business
- Working journalists act
- Press and registration of books act
- Copyright
- Ethics
- Examining the differences between ethics, morals and code of conduct
- Institutional PR ethics; practitioner and personal ethics
- Search for standards – guiding principles, situational ethics
- Issue of balance on reporting Crime, Disasters, Conflict, – communal riots or other violence
- Advertiser influence
- Objectivity
- Conflict of interest
- Ownership
- Frankery and fabricating news
- Deception, misrepresentation
- Using shock value in visuals and language
- Seduction-Freebies, perks, travel and stay accommodations
- Ethics in Investigative Journalism
- Checkbook journalism
- Confidentiality of sources
- Issues of consent, using ‘off the record’ material
- Repercussions of the story on sources’ lives and on the publication itself
- Basic knowledge of the finance system in India; gathering, distribution and allocation of revenue vis-à-vis the central and state governments; finance and planning commission
- Central and state budgets; budget-making exercise, how to read a budget, concept of zero-budget, importance of public accounts committee
- Introduction to tax laws, FERA, Industrial Relations Acts, Companies act
- Sources of news of business, finance and industry governments, chambers of commerce and industries, corporate, trading and industrial executives, share markets, commodities markets, money market
- Analysis of decisions, company reports and statements, AGMs
- Satellite network and new trends in business journalism; new information technology; commercial database, ethics in business reporting, business journalism, servant or watchdog; concept of social audit
- Introduction to major industries, electronics heavy engineering, chemical, steel, cement, power, bio-technology, agro-industries, service and agriculture; their role in the economy
- Covering stock markets, commodity markets, company meetings, industrial production, exports, imports, financial companies, foreign capital investment, investigating the innumerable tie-up agreements with foreign countries, poor infrastructure development bureaucracy and business tie ups
- Print and broadcast media dealing with the issue
- How environment is covered in the mainstream press
- The need for specialize reporting on the are
- An introduction to the developments and current trends in:
- Visual arts
- Dance
- Drama
- Music
- Writing for women’s magazines. A diverse market
- The difference between ‘serious’ and other women’s magazines
- Manushi case study
- What mainstream ‘women’s magazines’ cover and their projection of women
- History of the development of radio journalism; BBC as a case study; radio boom to current decline; current developments with FM and independent radio channels; the underdevelopment if radio with the coming of TV
- The potential of radio as a broadcast medium internationally and nationally; examining radio audiences in the region (AIR’s reach and popularity) and in the nation.
- Radio and news formats-the spot, the report, feature, documentary, docudrama, talk show, interview
- Writing for the radio
- Skills of speaking over the radio as a reporter, presenter, interviewing, narration, conversation; Outside broadcasts and radio conferencing
- Principles of sound and production techniques in radio journalism
- History and development of TV journalism internationally and in India
- TV journalism-local, regional national and international; exploring the potential of the local cable news network; studying CNN as a case study.
- TV news in regional languages- reach, popularity, special coverage
- TV journalism formats; evolution and popularity of new forms in TV; the long feature or documentary, the panel discussion and its functions, the news talk show.
- Scripting news for TV
- Principles of video camera use
- Skills of anchoring or presenting- voicing and delivery, on camera delivery
- Videotape editing
- Examining Broadcast journalism and allegations of ‘dumping down’ of news as a whole; impact on print journalism
- Understanding the power of the image and therefore the ethical considerations of broadcast coverage in times of conflict and disaster stories
- News media as a business enterprise
- Types of ownership
- Proprietary concerns
- Organizational structure
- Hierarchy
- Decision making
- Inter-relationship between departments
- Financial Management
- Cost and profitability
- Costing classification and allocation
- Nature of cost
- Factors affecting cost
- Fixed and variable costs
- Financial statement analysis
- P/L,A/s, B/s (vertical analysis)
- Resource and supply chain
- Newsprint
- Technology
- Production process
- Managing resource
- Advertising revenue building and maintenance
- Circulation revenue
- Ways to cut cost and boost revenue
- Marking techniques
- Brand building
- Public relations
- Newspaper’s relation to its community
- Understanding the target audience
- Building goodwill
- Promoting the newspaper’s/site’s services
- Sales promotional activities
- Role of research and readership surveys
- Sales of forecasting and planning
- Advertising the newspaper/website/channel
- Human Resource Development
- Newspaper management and challenges of liberalization
- Legal aspects of launching a publication/ site/ channel
- Press and registration of books act
- Relevant aspects of company law
- Case studies of successful news media- their proprietors, organizational structure, factors for success
- Global journalism
- Agents of global journalism – internet, international news agencies, international broadcasting
- Internet journalism
- Journalism in ‘real time’
- Interactivity
- Global problem of global audiences
- Democrasting communication vertical to horizontal communication
- Reporting and editing for the net
- Difference between newspaper writing and writing for the net
- Brevity and providing appropriate links
- Special interest writing on the net
- Developing your own website
- Target audience
- Content and services developing
- Internet design
- Issues of authenticity, propaganda and regressive communication on the net; lack/failure of regulatory laws
- Access to primary documents of government and international agencies; global platform for activist groups
- International news flow
- The global news agencies
- Growing global monopolies and their impact on news
- NWICO, Mac Bridge report
- Non-aligned news agencies and their downfall
- Politics of representation of the ‘third world’ in international press
- Political or ideological bias
- Cultural bias
- International reporting
- Reporting international politics, international relations
- International conflict Bosnia
- Disasters
- Poverty Ethiopian Famine
- Reporting national events internationally
- Challenges to international journalism
- Problems of ‘parachute journalism’
- The need for depth research
- Operating in hostile conditions
- International law and the role of western media in defining human rights, and rethinking the concepts of human rights from a third world media perspective
- Asian region and the need for greater connectivity
- Focus on agencies in Asia
- Case study of Japan which has the greatest rate of news diffusion world wide
- China and state control of news
- India – mixed pattern
- Environmental issues
- World without borders
- Global warming, economic and environmental impact
- Resource use and sustainability
- Environmental degradation, ozone depletion, pollution, deforestation
- Universal human Rights- Universal Declaration(1949);Declaration of the right to development(1986);Examining the concept of ‘universal’ human rights and the individual context
- Self-determination- Issues of secession; issues of state and anti state violence
- Population, consumption and sustainability
- Emancipatory movements
- Trade union
- Peasants movements (with global vision)
- Environmental movements Chipko; Rachel Carson’s silent spirit; `72-UN summit on environment
- Women’s movement
- Homosexual rights
- The development debate, anti large dam movements, rehabilitation, development choices, people’s involvement
- Tribal movements
- State of Polity
- Decline of law
- Corruption
- Nexus between crime and politics
- Political apathy
- Authoritarianism by democratic governments
- Positive discriminations and reservations
- Communalism
- Issues of accountability
- Corporate Bhopal gas tragedy
- Government accountability