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Internship Opportunity For Content Writers

Posted on 19 May 2011 by BMMBoxer

Organization Name:

Role Title: Travel Writer

Compensation: This is an Unpaid Internship for 2 months (Work From Home/Hostel)

Role Description And Responsibilities:
  1. Writing and composing travel related reviews of cities, and places based on their personal experiences & visits
  2. Research-based travel writing about best hotels, resorts, shopping destinations, market places and other site seeing options in different cities, and countries.
  3. A flair for writing with an understanding of what works on the Internet.
  4. Ability to work in a team with good communication skills.
  5. An effective writing style that is fresh, consistent, and customer friendly.
  6. A knack for editing and proof reading with good research
  7. Ability to write in a variety of formats and styles for multiple audiences.
  8. An understanding of keywords and meta tags – Ability to write web
  9. Page titles, meta tag descriptions, alt tags for images.
  10. Meeting deadlines
Education Requirements: A graduate with a good command over the English language.
Experience Requirements: Experience with a publishing house can be an added advantage, but not necessary

Interested candidates can send their resumes at with subject line ‘Content Writer –’. Specimen attachments welcomed.

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Admission to BMM @ St. Xavier’s

Posted on 19 May 2011 by BMMBoxer

Admission to BMM @ St. Xavier’s

Basis of Admission

a.    The admission to the BMM degree courses will be via an Admission system which consists of an entrance exam (60%), marks obtained in the Std. XII Exam (qualifying exam – QE) (20%) and an interview (20%).

The entrance exam will be held On June 7th 2011 14.00 hrs to 16.00 hrs (IST)

The Schedule will remain unaltered even if the above date is declared as a Public Holiday.

b.  Type of Exam

There will be one question paper of two hours duration.  The Question paper will consist of:- 2 Sections made up of objective and subjective type questions. It will consist of questions on General Knowledge, Current Affairs, Data Interpretation, English Language Skills and Critical Analysis & Creative Thinking.

c. Language of Question Paper

The question paper will be in the English Language and candidates are required to answer in English.

d.    Examination Centre

The BMM 2011 Entrance exams will be conducted at the St. Xavier’s College, Mahapalika Marg, Mumbai 400 001

e.    Calculating and Communication Aids are not permitted:

The use of electronic devices like mobile phones, calculators, ipods, etc. and Material like log tables, books, notebooks, loose papers, etc. are not permitted and shall not be brought into the examination hall.

2)    Eligibility for BMM 2011

a.    Candidates must make sure that they satisfy all the eligibility conditions given below for appearing for the BMM 2011 Entrance Exams.  Candidates belonging to the General Category (GC) whose date of birth falls on or after 1st June 1988 are eligible to appear for the Entrance Exams BMM 2011.  Candidates belonging to the catholic religious community and SCST candidates who are born on or after 1st June 1986 are eligible to appear for the Entrance Exams BMM 2011.

b.    The date of birth as recorded in the School Leaving Certificate, First Board  Pre-University Certificate  Birth Certificate issued by a Competent Authority will be accepted. In case of minority candidates the Baptism Certificate will be necessary.

c.    Year of passing Qualifying Examination (QE): A candidate must have passed a QE or will be appearing for the same in 2011.  Those who will be appearing in the QE later than July 31st, 2011 are not eligible to apply for BMM 2011.

d.    The Qualifying Examinations (QEs) are listed below:

i.    The final examination of the 10 + 2 system conducted by any recognised Central  State Board, including the Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education, Mumbai, Pune, etc., Central Board of Secondary Education, (C.B.S.E.) New Delhi, Council for the Indian School Certification Examination, (I.S.C.) New Delhi.

ii.    Intermediate or 2 year pre-university examination conducted by a recognised Board  University.

iii.    High School Certificate Examination of the Cambridge University or International Baccalaureate Diploma of the International Baccalaureate Office, Geneva.

iv.    Senior Secondary School Examination conducted by the National Institute of Open Schooling with a minimum of 5 subjects.

(Note : In case the candidate has passed the qualifying examination from a Board or Pre-University other than the Maharashtra State Board then the candidate will be required to apply for a provisional eligibility certificate issued by the University of Mumbai through the College at the time of admission.  The duly filled in application form available at the College Office should be submitted with an attested copy of the class XII marksheet along with the prescribed fees to the college office when admission is offered).

e.    Minimum Percentage of marks in QE

i.    Candidates belonging to the GC, must secure at least 60% marks in aggregate in their QE.

ii.    Candidates from the Minority Community must secure at least 55% in the QE.

iii.    SC/ST candidates must secure at least 50% marks in their QE.

f.    Reservation of Seats

i.    Minority – 35% – 21 Seats

ii.    Management – 15% – 9 Seats

iii.    Special Category – 3% – 2 Seats

iv.    General – 23.5% – 14 Seats

v.    Reserved Category:

  • SC – 4 Seats
  • ST – 2 Seats
  • DT/NT – 3 Seats
  • OBC/SBC – 5 Seats

3)    Mode of Application for BMM 2011

a.    Candidates can apply on-line by logging on to St. Xavier’s College website: The site has been designed in a user friendly way to help candidates apply online in a step by step fashion. The On-line application portal will be open from 8.00 hrs (IST) on 1st May 2011 to 17 hrs (IST) on 1st June 2011

b.    The fee for the on-line application for an ST/SC candidate is Rs. 150- and Rs. 450- for all other candidates.

c.    Candidates can make payment online through Credit/Debit Cards of Nationalised or other banks as listed on the website.  Candidates can also opt to make payment by Demand Draft drawn on a Nationalised Bank in favour of ‘Principal, St. Xavier’s College, Mumbai’ and forward it by Speed Post addressed to the Registrar of the College so as to reach the College before 3rd June 2011.  A Demand Draft received after 3rd June 2011 will not be accepted and the application will not be considered.

d.    The College will not be responsible for any postal delay or irregularity or loss during postal transit.

4)    Instructions for applying online

•    Log on to

•    Follow the instructions given on the website carefully for filling the online application form

•    Once a payment has been received the candidate will receive an email to confirm and will be able to download and print an Admit Card for the Entrance Test.

•    The Candidate will need to affix a recent passport size photograph and get it attested by their school/College Principal or a Gazetted Officer and carry it to the Examination Hall.

5)    The Last date for receipt of the completed application form:

a.    The Last date for receipt of duly completed online application forms is 17.00 hrs on 1st June 2011.

b.    Any application received after this date will not be accepted.

c.    The Office of St. Xavier’s College is not responsible for any postal delay or irregularities or loss during postal transit.

d.    No acknowledgement card will be sent

6)    Admit Cards

a.    The college will issue an online Admit Card which needs to be printed out and brought to the Examination Hall after attestation of their photograph.

b.    If the Admit Card is not received by 3rd June 2011, the candidate can approach the Registrar of the College and upon satisfaction of having complied with all requirements, can obtain an Admit Card on or before 6th June 2011, 4.30 p.m. IST from the office of the College.

7)    Result of BMM 2011 Entrance Test

Candidates will get to know their Entrance Exam Rank (EER) through our website on 15th June, 2011.

8) Those candidates that had not submitted their Class XII Marksheets along with their admission forms are required to submit attested copies of the same within 3 days of the declaration of the HSC results in Mumbai.

9)    Interview:

There will be an interview for short listed candidates for ascertaining the aptitude of the candidate for the Course on a date to be announced after the declaration of the HSC results of the Maharashtra State Board (Mumbai).

10)    Over all Rank (OR)

Based on the performance of the candidate in the Entrance Exam, the interview and on the marks obtained in the Qualifying Exam, a weighted score will be given to each candidate and the overall rank of all candidates category-wise will be displayed on the website on a date that will be announced.

11)    Admission:

a.    Candidates shall be admitted strictly on merit, merit being judged by their category rank.

b.    Candidates who accept the offer of admission shall pay the necessary fees.

c.    Fees once paid will not be refunded (for fee structure please see the website)

Courtesy :

Comments (34)

Content-Writing Internship Form Input (2012 Summer)

Posted on 30 April 2011 by BMMBoxer

Congratulations once again on being selected for the BMMBox Internship Program!

For content writing, we are looking at each intern writing 25 articles of 750 (or more) words each. Articles need to be in English unless you have spoken with the InternBox Team on writing in vernacular languages. While reference is ok, ABSOLUTELY NO COPYING CONTENT FROM ANYWHERE. BMMBox team will do a sweep check of articles every week or random articles within a week and even if theres a short para or a sentence copied, your internship stands cancelled immediately. The internship duration is one month (May 1-May 31). Please do you math (we hate it too!) — 25 article submissions in 31 days! So an article a day will keep laziness away 🙂 Yes — that will keep you on your toes and get the best of your creative juices flowing! We just want to keep the June week 1 and 2 for checking and uploading content on the site so you can see your stuff go online faster! If 2 or more people post same topic, the person who posted first will get to write on it. All submissions via email in .DOC or .DOCX format only. Name the document as;

YYMMDDThe Article Title In Intercaps Like ThisYourFirsntnameLastname

eg. 20120501 – Movies Mirror The Society That Creates Them – Abhijeet Verma

Any questions? feel free to add them in the comments section right at the end of the page and we will answer them.

There are two parts for content writing;

1. Article Topic/Title Submission
2. Topic/Title Approval

1. Article Topic/Title Submission

Fill in the form in the end using the pointers below;

You may suggest any article title/topic you wish to write on — media-student related articles, media industry articles, anything to do with media or student life in general.

One form will take in only 1 title. You will need to fill in the form again for second title. This is done so that you don’t have to think of all 25-30 topics at the same time.

Why Titles and Articles Need To Be In Points Like
5 Reasons….
11 Tips…
9 Ways…
7 Tricks…
3 Things…
7 Points…

Research shows that people like to read ‘definite’ articles. Easy to read — more reader-friendly. Watch some vids below… 🙂

Introducing iPhone (The 3 Things Funda)

Present Like Steve Jobs (6 mins vid below)

Fill in as many article titles you can think of – no limits. Creative titles, wild titles, sensational titles – all welcome 🙂

2. Topic/Title Approval

Once you fill in the form, you may check in an hour or so if you title has been approved or not on this page

Titles will be approved with a ‘YES’ and you may begin writing and submit as soon as you’re done. Deadlines are really important as its a publishing entity – content needs to come in on time, everytime. 25 articles in 31 days so almost like an article a day and you can chill off the last 5 days while we prepare your certificate 🙂

Submission Deadline = 6PM Evening everyday
All emails to be sent to

Any questions? feel free to add them in the comments section right at the end of the page and we will answer them.

Comments (33)

The BMMBox Internship Program 2011 Summer

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The BMMBox Internship Program 2011 Summer

Posted on 31 March 2011 by BMMBoxer

Editor (April 14, 2012): This is last year’s internship program article. Check out the 2012 summer internship program information here and apply

The BMMBox Internship Program – The First Bachelor of Mass Media Website is looking for good folks who are looking for an internship. While on an internship, interns dont get paid – cuz the site is run by BMM students for BMM students – but they do get a really cool internship certificate for the great work they do!

If you’re game, read the Roles and Responsibility of a BMMBox Intern below;

Role Title: Content Writer
Role Responsibility:
– We provide you the topics and you send them in via email!
– You work from home/hostel/Honolulu/Marrakesh/Wherever you want!
– We are very particular about deadlines – so the articles should come on on dates decided.
– All original content! No cheating, no using Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V 🙂

Role Title: CareerBox Associate
Role Responsibility:
– Establishing connection with agencies and getting in touch with HR
– Checking if they have relevant openings for BMM students
– Updating those openings on the site

Role Title: BMM Alumni Interaction Assocaite
Role responsibility:
– Looking out for BMM Alumni who are doing well in the industry and getting their interview
– Coordinate with them and send them the interview form link
– Update the content on the site

Role Title: Member Activation Champion
Role responsibility:
– Building the Brand ‘BMMBox’ and getting new users registered on the site

All internships have begun but you can still apply until 19th April. A cool internship certificate follows 🙂

E-mail your resume on
Subject line of the e-mail should be the role title you’re applying for. Send your CV along without fail!

Comments (103)

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Communication Design @ University of Plymouth

Posted on 24 March 2011 by BMMBoxer

Course Branch: Media

Course Name: Communication Design (MA)

Location City, Country
: Plymouth, UK

School of Art and Media

University of Plymouth

University Description:
The University of Plymouth is a dynamic and ambitious institution that is marking itself out as the enterprise university. Students also benefit from funded internships, award-winning volunteering schemes, international exchange programmes, dedicated career development advice and extensive cultural, sports and leisure programmes – all of which see the students emerge as highly employable graduates with an impressive skills base.

Course Description: MA Communication Design enables one to specialise or take a crossdisciplinary approach to studying and shaping their Graphic Communication career. It provides the opportunity to develop skills and knowledge in order to engage successfully with evolving communication contexts. It has an ethos of experimentation, creativity, risk taking, research and authorship, combined with in depth practice, contextual theory and industry relevance.It aims to encourage students to design and author creative communications that are delivered and produced using inventive and diverse combinations of digital and traditional media for a diverse range of functions and contexts.

Duration In Years (In Months): 1 year (12 mths) – Full Time

Fee Structure: £10,400 (approx. Rs. 760755)

Eligibility Criteria: Normally a 2:1 honours degree or above in a relevant subject and submission of a portfolio. Applicants with lower grades, accredited prior learning and/or appropriate professional experience may be considered. IELTS of 6.5 or equivalent.

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Creativity and Enterprise @ University of Plymouth

Posted on 24 March 2011 by BMMBoxer

Course Branch: Media

Course Name: Creativity and Enterprise (MA)

Location City, Country
: Plymouth, UK

School of Art and Media

University of Plymouth

University Description:
The University of Plymouth is a dynamic and ambitious institution that is marking itself out as the enterprise university. Students also benefit from funded internships, award-winning volunteering schemes, international exchange programmes, dedicated career development advice and extensive cultural, sports and leisure programmes – all of which see the students emerge as highly employable graduates with an impressive skills base.

Course Description: This flexible programme provides an exciting opportunity to extend creative and cultural practice alongside the investigation, development and application of the essential skills associated with good business practice, enterprise development and entrepreneurship. The provision enables students to develop a focussed, specialist or multi-disciplinary approach to their work, whilst encouraging the effective application of skill and knowledge to engage creatively with an evolving enterprise context and support their career developments and creative aspirations.

Duration In Years (In Months): 1 year (12 mths) – Full Time

Fee Structure: £10,400 (approx. Rs. 760755)

Eligibility Criteria: Appropriate professional experience in a creative or cultural context or a good honours degree in a related discipline. IELTS of 6.5 or equivalent.

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Film and Video @ University of Plymouth

Posted on 24 March 2011 by BMMBoxer

Course Branch: Film

Course Name: Film and Video (Master of Research -MRes)

Location City, Country
: Plymouth, UK

School of Art and Media

University of Plymouth

University Description:
The University of Plymouth is a dynamic and ambitious institution that is marking itself out as the enterprise university. Students also benefit from funded internships, award-winning volunteering schemes, international exchange programmes, dedicated career development advice and extensive cultural, sports and leisure programmes – all of which see the students emerge as highly employable graduates with an impressive skills base.

Course Description: Designed for those who want to pursue a specific research project in film and video, this MRes addresses research issues and methods. Students can decide to work in either a practice or theory mode or any permutation and combination of practice and theory. The programme should particularly attract students who are interested in furthering their practice or theoretical knowledge in one of the following areas: artists’ film and video, experimental film and video (including fiction, documentary, drama documentary, animation); histories of autobiographical, experimental, avant-garde film and video; contemporary theoretical discourses about independent film (including film practice as research, film as philosophy); the study and use of archive film (including home movies) in different contexts and practices; the relationship of film and video to new forms of dissemination (with particular reference to the digital); collaborative projects involving different disciplines (eg performance); community-based and activist video.

Duration In Years (In Months): 1 year (12 mths) – Full Time

Fee Structure: £13,000 (approx. Rs. 950944)

Eligibility Criteria: Normally a 2:1 or above honours degree in a relevant area of study. Evidence that one is ready to pursue your proposed project. IELTS of 6.5 or equivalent.

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Visual Communication @ University of Derby

Posted on 22 March 2011 by BMMBoxer

Course Branch: Art and Design

Course Name:  Visual Communication (MA)

Location City, Country
: Derby, UK

Art, Design and Technology

University of Derby

University Description: University of Derby is Modern Friendly Midland University formed in 1992 (originated since 1851) based at Two Main sites Kedleston Road in Derby and Devonshire Campus  in Buxton. The University has over 2000 overseas students from more than 120 countries worldwide, and they have links with colleges and universities in India, China, Middle East, West Indies and USA.

Course Description:
This is a studio practice based course that enables students to extend their potential at postgraduate level as an innovative practitioner in graphic design, illustration or animation. Students will explore the exciting and rapidly evolving area of visual communication, which includes the latest developments in graphic design, illustration, publishing, web design, branding, advertising identity, the internet, screen based and moving image and contemporary practice in communication arts.

Duration In Years (In Months): 1 year (12 mths) Full time

Fee Structure: £8,950 (Approx. Rs. 6,55,840)

Eligibility Criteria: An undergraduate degree (at least second class), in a related subject, or an equivalent qualification.

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