Posted on
01 February 2013
Ryan Pereira
Name: Ryan Pereira
Company: Bling Global Entertainment Pvt. Ltd.
Designation: Celebrity Manager/Agent
Q. Tell us something about the field of Celebrity Management:
A. Celebrity Management is one of the fastest growing industries in the mass media sector – be it films, modelling, sports or even talent. Celebrity management has become an inseparable part of our society with MNC’s and even small business entrepreneurs rushing to sign celebrities/talent to endorse their brand/campaign so as to lure the masses towards their brand/entity.
Q. What does Celebrity Management entail?
A. Celebrity management involves managing a celebrity’s endorsements contracts, movie contracts, brand tie ups, appearances and any commerce related activity that could help in financial gains as well as help him/her build a brand image that could help them connect with their audiences.
Q. What are the skills required to be a responsible/good celebrity manager?
A. The skills mainly required to be a good celebrity manager are as follows:
- Presence of Mind
- Being street smart
- Integrity
- Good communication skills
- Good temperament
- Crisis management skills
Q. What is a routine day like in the life of a celebrity manager?
A. The routine of a celebrity manager would vary from day to day. On some days you’d be at your desk from 10 am to 6 pm and on other days it could stretch from 10 am to 6 pm in the office and from 6pm to perhaps 12 am on the set of a shoot/appearance. The schedule of a celebrity manager is not fixed, but you do get the weekends off. However, in case there is a shoot or an appearance the celebrity is expected to be present at, the manager has to follow suit and accompany the celebrity for the same.
Q. How can a fresher land a job in a celebrity management agency?
A. Any fresher could drop in his/her CV at any of the Celebrity Management agencies at any given point of time. However the month of March is ideal to do so as many agencies undergo a change in personnel with many moving out due to better pay offers from competitive agencies.
Q. The top 3 celebrity management agencies in the country, according to you, are:
- BLING Global Entertainment Pvt. Ltd.
- KWAN Entertainment Pvt. Ltd.
- MATRIX Entertainment Pvt. Ltd.
Jerry Maguire
Q. Five tips you’d like to share with BMM students aspiring to be celebrity managers:
1 Hone patience. It’s a virtue and you will inevitably need it in an industry that requires you to deal with ego’s the size of King Kong.
2 Being a go getter is very important in this industry. How to pitch your celebrity, when to pitch them, who to pitch them to, are important questions that need to be answered by a celebrity manager.
3 Strike a deal when the iron is hot. Don’t sit back thinking brands will call you inquiring after the celebrity you manage. Make the world know you’re managing a celebrity. Pitches need to be made almost every day for your celebrity to maximise their business propositions. Remember money is all that rules their world and like Rod Tidwell (played by Cuba Gooding Jr. in Jerry Maguire) tells his friend/agent Jerry Maguire (played by Tom Cruise) “SHOW ME THE MONEY!” is the motto you must live by.
4 Knowledge of the entertainment/sports/talent industry is essential. The knowledge that you’ll have will bring wealth to your clients. Period!