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ICL Presents Bhumika Film Festival

Posted on 27 January 2010 by BMMBoxer

Event: Bhumika Film Festival
Host: ICL / Motilal JhunJhunuwala College, Vashi
When: 1st, 2nd and 3rd February, 2010
Where: Vishnudas Bhave Natyagraha, Vashi, Navi Mumbai

About the fest..

Gaining an ever escalating support and popularity every year, since 4 years, Bhumika Film Festival stands as an encouraging platform for the young creative media students to showcase their talent and gain guidance from the experts in the industry. An initiative by the Mass Media students of ICLES’ Motilal Jhunjhunwala College, Bhumika has been an electrifying success at the amateur level platform. With a participation of all BMM and non-BMM colleges, an audience count over 1400 every day and a long list of celebrities and industry experts, the scale and response together has made Bhumika the biggest ever amateur film festival in India.

About the college..

ICLES’ Motilal Jhunjhunwala College of Arts, Science & Commerce located in Vashi, presumed to be the “nucleus” of Navi Mumbai was established in 1978 with the vision “Education Makes The Man”.

Owing to the change in the level of education the college has offered an assorment of different management courses which include self finance courses like BMM, BMS, IT, Bio-Tech and Computer Science. The students of the mass media have taken the vision in a real sense and would like to create an opportunity not to limit their creative minds within the four walls, but to create the real image of their inovative thoughts.

Thus the students of ICLES’ BMM proceed towards the fifth concecutive year of BHUMIKA FILM FESTIVAL in the month of February 2010.

Bhumika Film Festival – Events


  • Short Films
  • Documentaries
  • Ad Films – Public Service Ads/Commercial Ads
  • Music Videos
  • One Minute Videos
  • Animation Films
  • Open Category

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SIES (Nerul’s) Media Rush 2010

Posted on 25 January 2010 by BMMBoxer

Media and industry professionals who will speak at Media Rush 2010:

Inauguration by Rohit Chandavarkar (CNN IBN Bureau Chief and Political Editor)

Transition from Print and Broadcast to New Media

• Ajit Sahi (Editor-at-large, Tehelka)
• Yogesh Pawar (NDTV- Reporter)

Leveling of Equations (Global Monopoly and Advent of New Media)

• Vishram Dhole (Head of Department, Pune university)

Tools and Technology in New Media

• Zaeem Mirza (Digital Marketing Strategist – AmoebaCom, Ex – Google)
• Warren Noronha (Software Professional)

Activism through New Media

• Harish Iyer (Gay rights, environment and animal activist)
• Eknath Sathpurkar (Aarusha Creations, Mumbai)

Citizen Journalism and Regressive Communication

• Chandita Mukherjee (Director, Comet Media Foundation)
• R Sridhar (National Editor, TOI)

LECTURE: Bridging the Divide- Rural and Urban through New Media

• Nikhil Waghle (Editor, IBN Lokmat)

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SIES Nerul’s Frames Film Festival 2010 Winners…

Posted on 25 January 2010 by BMMBoxer

And the winners are….

Short films BMM Category :-

1st- Wilson college (Gudiya) – Ranjit Nair and Arnold Fernandes.
2nd- Swami Vivekanand College (Bomb of Alert) – Pritesh Aggarwal.
3rd- MD College ( Silent Sream) – Hitesh Shettigar and Sanket B.

Documentaries BMM Category :-

1st- WIlson College (Pornology) – Anthony Karbhari, Harendra Kapur and Jaydeep Maswekar.
2nd- Wilson College (Bidi Industry) – Dhwani Bafna, Isha Soni, Shilpa Johnson and Maithili Desai.

Non-BMM Short films :-

1st- Independant film maker (Home for a Head) – Soumil Shetty and Shantanu Tilwankar.
2nd- Yuva Foundation (Smoke never dies) – Mikhil and Independant filmaker (Vidhi) – Thanush Raj.
3rd- London Film School (Shoonyata) – Santosh Kapse.

Commercial Ads BMM Category :-

1st- SIES College Sion (Moserbaer) – Janardhan Iyer and Aarti Naidu.
2nd- Ruia College (Spectra Eyewear) – Monica Panchal

PSA BMM Category :-

1st- Wilson College (Protection of heritage structures) – Arnold Fernandes, Samson Vasave and Vallari Shah.
2nd- Ruia College (Old age home ) – Kartik Shrivastava.
3rd- Tilak College (Global Warming) – Sofwan and Farooq.

Music videos BMM Category :-

1st- Swami Vivekanand College (Cant Stop) – Tejas.
2nd- Swami Vivekanad College (College video 1) – Ankita Bhardwaj
3rd- Swami Vivekanand College (Limca VIdeo) – Ligil Chandrashekhar.
4th- Swami Vivekanand College (R video) – Ritu Bajaj.


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St. Xavier’s BMM presents Zeitgeist

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St. Xavier’s BMM presents Zeitgeist

Posted on 22 January 2010 by BMMBoxer

Event: Zeitgeist
Host: St. Xaviers College, BMM
When: 28th & 29th January, 2010
Where: Xaviers College

About the festival

Zeitgeist means “The spirit of the times” or “the spirit of the age.”
Zeitgeist is the general cultural, intellectual, ethical, spiritual, and/or political climate within a nation or even specific groups, along with the general ambience, morals, and socio-cultural direction or mood of an era (similar to the English word mainstream or trend).

It’s not about reading the newspaper and discussing it, it’s not about seeing an ad and going nuts over it, it’s not about seeing a poster and being amazed. It’s about conceptualizing, creating and living it.

We at St. Xavier’s College believe in the true potential of a BMM student hence through Zeitgeist we hope to showcase intra-BMM talent, through a series of exciting events spanning all spheres of media.

Event Schedule

28th January 2010 – Schedule

Event Name: Photo Shoot Out (photography event)
Date: 28th Jan, 2010
Time: 02:40PM – 04:10PM
Venue: Foyer

Event Name: The Time Traveller (photo exhibit)
Date: 28th -29th Jan, 2010
Time: –
Venue: Woods

Event Name: Workshop by Shishir Joshi
Date: 28th Jan, 2010
Time: 03:30PM – 04:30PM
Venue: Seminar Room

Event Name: Last AdMan Standing (Ad event)
Date: 28th Jan, 2010
Time: 03:30PM – 05:30PM
Venue: MMR

29th January 2010- Schedule

Event Name: Back to Basics (Band event)
Date: 29th Jan, 2010
Time: 03:00PM – 06:00PM

Event Name: Reel Life (Film making)
Date: 29th Jan, 2010
Time: 02:30PM – 05:00PM
Venue: SCAVI

Event Name: Hard Pressed (PR event)
Date: 29th Jan, 2010
Time: 12:30PM – 03:00PM
Venue: MMR

Event Name: Informal events
Date: 29th Jan, 2010
Time: 01:00PM – 02:30PM
Venue: BCR

Event Description/Rules and Regulations

PHOTO SHOOT-OUT – Photography Event

Venue: The Foyer
Date: 2:40- 4:10 on the 28th of January

No. of contestants: 2 per team, maximum number of teams per college- 3
4 teams playing against each other in a round, each round- 60 seconds.

First round – The first round is the elimination round where each team will have to try and click the maximum pictures you can of the members of the opposite team.

Second round – Now, this gets a little more challenging- participants have to click specific targets stuck on their opponent’s bodies.

Third round – Team-mates will be tied to each other before they proceed to play the game.


• Burst is not allowed (The multiple picture clicking option)
• Blurry pictures won’t be counted.
• Moving out of the demarcated area of the foyer will lead to disqualification
• No kind of violence- pushing or shoving is allowed in order to get pictures.


Venue: MMR, St. Xavier’s College
Date: 3.30-5.30 pm on the 28th of January 2010
No. of contestants/ team: 3
No. of teams/college: Unlimited
Submission Date for Ad: 26th January 2010

2 minutes to present their ad, in addition to 30 seconds screening time.


Contestants must submit their CDs three days before the event, in an FLV or WMV format.
Existing products cannot be used.


VENUE : MMR, St. Xavier’s College
DATE: 12.30- 3.00 pm on 29th January 2010
No. of contestants/team: 2
No. of team/college: 1

2 minute introductory speech from each team + 1 question from judges

5 teams will proceed to this round.
4 questions to each team from reporters

3 teams will proceed to this round.
Round-up rebuttal speech of 3 minutes, incorporating issues brought up through the question round.

• Since this a press-conference and not a debate, argument should not be initiated or indulged in during the reporter round
• Exceeding the time limit in answering a question (1 minute) after the first buzzer, will result in deduction of points.
• Defending your client through false claims is not allowed.
• Only one member in the team is allowed to speak for their client during the press conference. The other member is allowed to assist in terms of research and information.


First Round: The Furious

• Either the CL or the ACL from each college must participate.
• The round will last for 60 seconds
• The first one to either be thrown out of the RING or to fall 3 times or more looses the fight
The participants must defeat their opponent by pinning them down or chest-butting them out of the ring.
• The first few teams to register get an ADVANTAGE of picking up their opponent through a chit system.
• The victorious in each round pass on to the next round.

Second Round – The Fast

• Both the CL and ACL participate in this round as a team.

• Each of the teams will be given 45 seconds to guess as many placards as they can.
• The participants cannot take the name of the personality pictured on the cfard directly, he/she only has to ONLY describe the personality. References and facts about the personality are allowed.
• You can describe the colour of clothing in the placard.
• The team who guesses the maximum of celebrities wins.

REEL LIFE- Film-Making Event

Venue: SCAVI , St. Xavier’s College
Date: 2.30- 5.30 pm on the 29th of January 2010
No. of contestants/team: 3 per team, 2 entries per college.
OTSE allowed.

Submission date: 26th January 2010
JUDGE: Amole Gupte

The movie must be submitted in the AVI format on 2 CDS/DVDs. The movie must be at least of 2 minutes and maximum 5 minutes.


Venue: MMR, St. Xavier’s College
Date: 3.00- 5:30 pm on the 29th of January 2010
No of bands/college: 1

• The band must perform two songs, each from the two separate lists given.
• Maximum members in the band must be from BMM.
• No electric instruments are allowed.
• PERFORMANCE: bands will be given 2 minutes set-up time and 6 minutes for the set. Exceeding the time limit by a minute will result in a minus of 5 points and two minutes will result in a minus of 10 points.
• Bands must bring their own instruments.

THE TIME TRAVELLER-Photography Event

Venue: Photo-exhibit in the Woods
Date: From 12:30 pm onwards on the 28th & 29th of January (judging will happen between 3:00- 6:00 pm on the 29th)
No. Of contestants/team: 2
No. of teams/college: 1
Submission date: 26th January 2010

• All photographs must be original work of the contestants.
• Two photos cannot depict the same era in your set of photos.
Photoshop is allowed


Shishir Joshi, who has the experience of being the Group Editorial Director for Mid-day, Executive Editor for Aaj Tak, CNN and NDTV, will have a session on the nitty gritties of the big, bad world of reporting, while also briefing us on his upcoming, exciting mentorship programme; An enlightening workshop for all you budding wordsmiths.

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Copyrights Club Presents Avant Garde

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Copyrights Club Presents Avant Garde

Posted on 18 January 2010 by BMMBoxer

Event: Avant Garde – The Film Festival
Host: Copyrights Club
When: 29th – 30th January, 2010
Where: American Centre (New Marine Lines)
Entry: Free

Avant Garde

A premier venture by the Copyrights Club, presents a 2 day film festival, which provides opportunities of a lifetime for young media professionals with a keen interest in film making. Avant Garde will be an excellent platform for participants to express their foresights about the society in the future. Budding film makers are hereby given a chance to film a social evil that will be of concern in the near future. 20 shortlisted entries will be screened and the best will be awarded.

Register here for the event.

About Copyrights Club

Started by a group of Mass Media students of the Mumbai University with zeal to be different and stand out from their contemporaries. It all began as a medium of expression of thoughts and ideas- to tell the world what we feel- to portray our opinions. The Club is an initiative to provide a platform to media students and professionals and make their voice heard in today’s world. It’s all about using the power of Media and making our presence felt in the society.

Register here to participate.

We will also be organizing workshops by industry professionals on various aspects of film making to help develop amateur talent. Some of the workshops may include background score, direction, camera handling, special effects etc

Register here for workshops.

Event Schedule



Workshop on Animation/3D/MAYA: 11:00 am

Workshop on Film making Techniques: 2:30 pm – 4:30 pm
by Eminent Personalities

Screening of a prominent movie from the: 5:00 pm – 7:30 pm


Screening of Shortlisted entries of Participants: 12:00 pm – 3:30 pm

Awards Ceremony: 4:00 pm

Register here for the event.

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SIES (Nerul’s) Media Rush 2010

Posted on 13 January 2010 by BMMBoxer

Event: National Symposium ‘Media Rush’ 2010
Host: SIES College of Arts, Science and Commerce, (Nerul)
When: January 30, 2010
Where: SIES College Auditorium (Nerul)

Register here to attend the event.

Media Rush 2010

Everyone knows what Shashi Tharoor’s tweets have to say. Every news paper reports on what Chetan Bhagat writes on his blog. Every feature that people could do on Farmville and Facebook has been done. And all of this is pointing towards only one thing, there is a central uniting factor changing things. You can call it joblessness, we call it the internet. And the internet has given rise to new forms of communication, which has lead to the coinage of the term ‘New Media’. And if you want to know about new media and how it is affecting communication as well as journalism, then you should definitely attend ‘Media Rush’ a state level symposium organized by the The Department of Mass Media of SIES(Nerul) College of Arts, Commerce and Science.

Media Rush 2010 is about the emerging trends of new media and how they will and have affected the general way in which news is seen and interpreted. The conference will also be concentrating on the feasibility of online activism, the advent of global culture through internet journalism, can new media bridge the urban-rural divide or will it only highlight it and other key issues.

Along with panel discussions and a general exchange of ideas, people will also get lunch and a nice air conditioned auditorium to sit in.

TOPIC: Emerging Trends in New Media

The following content will be covered:

• Transition from Print and Broadcast to New Media.
• Leveling of Equations (Global Monopoly and Advent of New Media).
• Tools and Technology in New Media.
• Bridging the Divide- Rural and Urban through New Media.
• Activism through New Media
• Citizen Journalism and Regressive Communication.

Register for the event.

Media Rush is an annual conference organized by the department of Mass Media of SIES (Nerul) College of Arts, Science and Commerce. Media Rush has been graced with the presence of eminent professionals from the industry like Mayank Shekhar (Mumbai Mirror), Kiran Kasbekar, Dale Bhagwagar, Yogesh Pawar, Dr S L Dhingra, Shoiab Ahmed, Geeta Seshu, Mr Sanjay Ranade, Mikhil Bhatt, Ateeq Shaikh , Atul Loke, Girish Mallya and Ignatius Gonsalves (Chief Editor of Jeeva Naadam, star journalist, Malayala Manorama).

Register here, to attend the event.


1. Breakfast : 9.00-10.00

2. Lamp lighting and inauguration: 10.00


A] Transition from Print and Broadcast to New Media: 10.30- 11.15
B] Leveling of Equations (Global Monopoly and Advent of New Media): 11.15- 12.00
C] Tools and Technology in New Media: 12.00-1.00

4. Lunch: 1.00- 2.00

5. LECTURE: Bridging the Divide- Rural and Urban through New Media 2.00- 3.00

6. Module II:

A] Activism through New Media: 3.00- 4.00
B] Citizen Journalism and Regressive Communication: 4.00- 5.00

7. Conclusion and Felicitation: 5.00-5.15

For more details or queries regarding registration, contact Neha – 9920829494.

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JJ School Of Art’s JJUMP – A Short Film Challenge

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JJ School Of Art’s JJUMP – A Short Film Challenge

Posted on 05 January 2010 by BMMBoxer

And here’s their poster!

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JJ School Of Art’s JJUMP – A Short Film Challenge

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JJ School Of Art’s JJUMP – A Short Film Challenge

Posted on 05 January 2010 by BMMBoxer

Event: JJUMP: Short Film Challenge
When: January 7, 2010
Submissions: January 17, 2010
Screening And Workshops: 22nd, 23rd and 24th January, 2010.
Registration Fees: Rs. 3000/-

Visit website for more details.

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