Archive | March, 2011

A Day Job vs. Your Passion

Posted on 08 March 2011 by Cheryl Joy

Every year we celebrate the Independence day – the day our country was free from foreign rule and dominance. Over the years this day has come to mean a lot to some and not so much to others, who have been born into a new age that has always seen freedom and never revered it. Yet as I think about the word ‘freedom’ and all that it denotes, I am urged to ask the question- how many of us are really ‘free’?

There are so many among us that do an engineering degree solely because their parents want them to, so many who become doctors just because that seemed like the only ‘socially acceptable profession’ at the time. And in all this what we refuse to acknowledge is that slowly, one by one, we choose to give up our freedom, our right to choose. That said and done, I do not propagate a life without direction- here my sole purpose is to bring about some thought in the minds of the reader, about passion.

Passion can be defined as the zeal, energy and fervor that fills us when we do something from the heart. It is something that forces us to do our best even without feeling like a definitive effort is being made to do it. And this is the one thing that is lacking in most professions today- passion, doing something solely for the love of it. For all the people who think that such talk is good in books and articles and doesn’t work in real life, please read on.

There have been many people who have left regular well treaded paths to follow their dreams, and there have been many more who have been successful. If an attempt is made to highlight the many who have not made it far, all I can make of it is that they just didn’t want it that bad. For a life lived with passion and a career fuelled with it can never be incomplete or unfulfilling.

This said and done, I would not want to romanticize the idea of following your dream without highlighting the practical implications associated with it. To follow your dreams, it is important to know exactly what the dream is and what it involves. While it is wonderful to know what one wants to do, without having a fixed plan of how to achieve it, all attempts made are pointless. This more so if the chosen career path is something unconventional which is the case more often than not. An unconventional career path makes it imperative to clearly rationalize the pros and cons associated with following it. This alone can give an individual the idea whether he or she should tread this path or choose to continue in the same path as others follow.

Another aspect of following your passion is to never move away from the original goal in mind. Small successes and failures do not indicate anything as long as you are focused on achieving the bigger aims that have been set for oneself. This works both ways. There can be times when a chosen career path seems fraught with difficulties- in such a situation it is important to persevere and refuse to give up. In the other scenario, there can be chances that one finds quick success, but assuming that it would last and going back on efforts would go nowhere and perseverance and consistency is key in this scenario as well.

At this point I would like to mention that I do not hate day jobs. They are great in their own right as they give an individual a certain amount of security that following a passion or an unconventional choice, might not allow. This ensures that stress levels are lower and can work well for most people. But it has its own share of pit falls and so this is not a case of either or. A day job can also be extremely beneficial in the initial stages when a person is following his or her passion as it can support the person through the struggle period. It lends the required stability and security which can help the person focus on following his or her passion simultaneously, till a point where it can be followed completely.

I have always been influenced by a saying I read about as a child. It went like this-“Find a job you love and you won’t have to work a single day of your life.” I have read many books and met many people after that day, but this saying continues to be a hallmark statement in my life. This is the reason for this article as well. As the very intelligent person who came up with this quote put it, there could be immense stress involved with following your passion in the initial stages, times filled with hard work and extra efforts but once that struggle period has been overcome there is a point from where a job ceases to be just that and becomes an extension of yourself. This I mean in the best way possible. It is a key tenet that should be followed by all those who believe in their passion. I live by it, every single day.

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Stuffs That Media Students Spend Money On (Necessity)

Posted on 07 March 2011 by Averee Burman

Money for the typical media student is nothing less than freedom. It’s a freedom to explore- to feel- to cherish- to savour-as also a means of self expression. For most students, their parents donate generously to their pocket money funds. The wise ones work and have something to add to their cv-s.

The post modern society of ours thus rests happy offering us a plethora of choices- to soothe our ‘needs’ and  ‘desires’. Economics strictly classifies the two- the former as a means of sustenance and the latter as paying heed to the ‘id’ in us (following the Freudian explanation). The choice between relevance and irrelevance is then a fine line indeed.

How then can the media students distinguish their needs from all that they desire?  What could be the means of luxury to them –  things they splurge on?

There can be no specific list or a charter of items they should pursue being active consumers of. Parameters are quite subjective.

What is the first thing that the media students love to do? Downloading of course. Downloading files, e-books, movies, documentaries, music etc etc etc. the bills are astronomical. Paying for the bills or for the particular downloads can really dent a hole in the pockets of many.

Most media students, however, are still in love with the print media. As such, they do love to spend a lot on books- academic or anything of their passion. The course books do cost a lot. Moreover books today come with a lumpsum price tag attached to them. In this context, various cd-s can also be added to this list. The price these ‘poor’ media students thus pay to enhance their power of knowledge – is quite a big amount indeed.

Many students also love attending lectures/ seminars/ workshops of eminent people. The entry path thus costs. Yet they willingly pay up- no matter the gravity of the amount-simply for their passion.

Some media students, also splurge a lot on clothes etc so as to attend and cover page 3 parties. The future budding journalists definitely are patrons of this category. Its for a job they love.

Some talented students amongst the many splurge yet again, on their musical instruments and their regular repairing. Its their catharsis. Their weapon of choice of self expression. Its how they can connect with their reality. Why should they let themselves be denied of their eros just because of the numerical price figures which deem irrelevant thus, in their world of the highs and lows of musical notations.

Gadgets- the big area of money spinning activities for the media mass. Camera, lenses, filters, as well as pen drives (lots of them if the students are forgetful), hard disks, etc cost the earth. Yet there is no dearth to their need

Of course most lov travelling. No matter the expenses incurred there, the media students would splurge on that anytime of the day- anytime of the year. Seeing new places, interacting with new faces, gaining a wholesome new experience- widens their horizons of thinking and visualization.  Creativity gets an edge thus.

Some also are seen to splurge on subscription to magazines, journals, clubs etc which do reduce their piggy bank levels. Yet one word accounts for all- passion.

Coffee- for dates, for late nights, for burning the midnight lamps stdying for exams, or simply for hanging out together in regular “adda” sessions- are the aphrodisiacs the students happily splurge on.

Yes- there’s also the expenses on print out and Xeroxes to be considered. Assignments or simply to gain more wisdom make these students cough up more.

Sometimes the artists amongst us also have to splurge on arts and crafts artifacts- for example a calligraphy pen. The smiles on the faces- the sheer contentment- is thus no match for the price he/she pays for it.

Again there are many paid sites which the students needs to pay up before accessing. These sites are particularly relevant for the owls among us- the researchers gaining a foothold on secondary research data.

There are also expenses related to purchase of laptops- repairing them, adding features or customizing them.

The last few items the students splurge on are the usual ones- booze, fags, joints, as also their temporary better halves- gf-s/ bf-s

All in all, this article clearly shows that “there’s no free lunch for anyone.”

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TYBMM Semester 6 2011 Exam Time-Table

Posted on 01 March 2011 by BMMBoxer

University Of Mumbai


Candidates of the above examination are requested to be in attendence at the place of examination, fifteen minutes before the time appointed for the setting of the first paper and ten minutes before the time fixed for setting of each subsequent paper.

They are forbidden to take any book or paper inside the Examination Hall.

Seat numbers and places of examination will be announced on the college notice boards four days prior to the date of commencement of the examination.

Smoking is striclty prohibited in the examination hall.

Days and Dates



Wednesday, March 30, 2011

11 a.m. – 1 p.m.

Advertising and Marketing Research

Thursday, March 31, 2011

11 a.m. – 1 p.m.

Legal Environment and Advertising Ethics

Friday, April 01, 2011

11 a.m. – 1 p.m.

Financial Management for Marketing and Advertising

Saturday, April 02, 2011

11 a.m. – 1 p.m.

Agency Management

Tuesday, April 05, 2011

11 a.m. – 1 p.m.

The Principles and Practice of Direct Marketing

Wednesday, April 06, 2011

11 a.m. – 1 p.m.

Contemporary Issues

Days and

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