The Zoozoos are back with a bang. The O&M creation, which were exclusively designed for the IPL, have made a comeback. Vodafone Essar has launched its latest Zoozoo campaign along with an online contest. The contest is called ‘Complete the Zoozoo Story’ and aims at capitalizing on the brand through social media.
The contest is valid from November 24, 2009 till January 1, 2010. Individuals can participate in the contest by logging on to Facebook or Vodafone’s official site. Participants can win a BlackBerry Storm every week along with Zoozoo franchisee products.
According to the contest, participants will watch snippets of the upcoming Zoozoo commercials and they will have to complete the ads according to their vision, thereby creating their very own Zoozoo story.
Complete the Zoozoo story your style. Click here to participate.