- Fundamental Marketing Research Skills:
- Research techniques
- Sampling methods
- Research Design
- Steps in the Research Process
- Questionnaire Development
- Report writing
- Data analysis
- Product research
- New product research
- Product specifications
- Branding research
- Pricing research
- Packaging research
- Product testing
- Comparison tests
- Analysis of trends, competition
- Searching for and analyzing the competitive advantages
- Advertising Content Analysis
- Copy research
- Objectives and product appeals
- Creative strategy research
- Message element selection
- Consumer attitude and usage studies
- Concept testing
- Name testing
- Slogan testing
- Copy testing – different measures and methods
- Few association tests
- Direct questioning
- Direct mail tests
- Statement – comparison tests
- Qualitative interviews
- Focus groups moderating
- Motivational research
- Rating Scales
- Steps
- Importance
- The strengths and weaknesses of different qualitative methods used to help inspire ideas
- Criteria of validity sensitivity, stability, reproducibility, predictability.
- Test results as aid to creative judgment
- Pretesting
- Pretesting objectives
- Variables evaluated markets, consumers’ motives, messages, media
- Print Pretesting
- Broadcast Pretesting
- Trailer tests
- Theatre tests
- Live telecast tests
- Clutter tests
- Television storyboard Pretesting
- Radio commercial pretesting
- Projective techniques
- Consumer jury
- Matched samples
- Word Association
- Completion
- Consultation
- Challenges to pretesting e.g. The Halo Effect
- Data interpretation and presentations
- Physiological rating scales
- Pupil metric devices
- Eye-movement camera
- Galvanometer
- Voice pitch analysis
- Brain pattern analysis
- Post testing
- Measuring advertising effectiveness
- Attitude change
- Recognition test
- Aided recall
- Unaided recall
- Sales tests
- Inquiry tests
- Measurements of perception, communication, influence
- Customer satisfaction research
- Using qualitative research in advertising
- Advertising and the law
- Need for self regulation
- Introduction to MRTP act
- Introduction to ASCI and AAAI code of conduct
- The standard contract between the agency and the advertiser
- Self regulation by individual agencies
- Drug and cosmetics act
- Drugs and magic remedies (objectionable advertisement) act
- Copyright act
- Pharmacy act
- Prize and competition act
- Emblems and names (prevention of improper use) act
- Obscenity act
- Ethical Issues in advertising
- Puffery
- Taste in advertising general guidelines
- Advertising directed at cultural and religious minorities
- Advertising to children
- Use of women in advertising
- Portraying minorities and women in ‘traditional’ roles and occupations
- Depiction of old people
- Stereotyping ethnic and racial
- Advertising controversial products; alcohol. Tobacco, contraceptives
- Manipulation of research in advertising
- Deceptive and Unfair trade Practices
- False promises
- Incomplete description
- False comparisons
- Misleading comparisons
- Bait-and-switch offers
- Visual distortions
- False testimonials
- Partial disclosures
- Small print clarification
- Case studies of select ads that violate legal and ethical concerns
- Consumer guidance and concerns
- Consumer protection act 1986
- Essential commodity act
- Standard of weights and measures act
- Packaged commodities act
- Prevention of food adulteration act
- Role of PDS and consumer co-operatives
- Consumer forums
- CGSI, CFBP, CERC, Grahak Panchayats
- Social criticism of advertising
- Increasing the prevalence of materialism
- Creating artificial needs
- Idealizing the ‘good life’ stressing conformity with others
- Encouraging instant gratification and a throwaway society
- Promoting the good of the individual over the good of the society
- Creating unrealistic ‘ideal’ characterizations
- Using appeals that prey on feelings of inadequacy
- Social responsibilities of Advertising
Advertising as a molder of thought, opinion and values
- Critique of advertising
- A study of Vance Packard
- A study of Jean Kilbourne
- Costing of decision making
- Costing classification and allocation
- Nature of cost
- Historical and future costs
- Cost classification in manufacturing firms
- Cost concepts for planning and control (relevant costs)
- Cost-volume profit analysis and operating leverage
- Break-even analysis
- Operative leverage
- Use of cost-volume-profit for decision-making
- Profit Planning: A Budgetary approach
- Meaning and purpose of budgeting
- Financial Management
- Financial management and goals
- Objectives
- Functions and scope
- Evolution
- Interface with other functional area
- Time value of money
- Why money has time value
- Basic concepts
- Risk and returns
- Fundamentals of capital budgeting
- The capital budgeting process
- Evaluation techniques
- Net present value
- Internal rate of return
- Financial statement analysis
- P/L, A/c, B/s, vertical analysis
- Radio analysis
- Time series analysis
- Estimation of working capital needs
- Objectives of working capital needs
- Factors offering composition of working capital
- Operating cycle approach to working capital
- Sources of long term finance
- Equity capital
- Preference capital
- Debenture capital
- Term loans
- Deferred credit
- Government subsidies
- Leasing and hire purchases
- Objectives:
- To expose students to the business of advertising.
- To familiarize students with the different aspects of running an ad agency.
- 1. Account management : Structure of an ad agency, functions of different departments, types of ad agency
- Role of account planning
- Account planning systems
- Attributes of a good Account Planner
- 2. Client servicing
- Characteristics of services
- 7 P’s of services
- Gap Model
- Stages in client-agency relationship
- Issues in client servicing
- Understanding the clients business, key success factors, business mode
- Key success factors
- Business model
- Understanding client behavior
- Understanding communication tasks
- Conflict resolution accountability
- Negotiation process
- 3. Marketing plan of the client
- Understanding client’s marketing strategy
- Outlining Marketing problem/opportunity
- Marketing objectives as stated by the client
- Profit objective
- Sales and market share objective
- Setting advertising objective
- Constraints on strategy formulation and implementation
- Setting evaluation criteria
- 4. Agency Finances
- Sources of income
- Expenditure heads of an agency
- Modern systems of financial planning followed by leading agency
- Setting objectives
- Profit objectives
- Sales and market share objectives
- Setting the overall advertising and promotion budget
- Setting evaluation criteria
- 5. Client’s evaluation of the agency
- Areas of evaluation
- Expertise
- Objectivity
- Dedication
- Staffing and Management
- 6. Setting up an Agency
- Nature of agency business
- Stages in setting up a new business
- Concept development
- Environmental scanning
- Market feasibility
- Financial feasibility
- Making a business plan
- 7. Growing the Agency
- Agency Business Management
- New Business Development
- CRM ( Customer relationship management)
- Digital advertising
- Growth with existing clients
- Growth with new clients
- Speculative Pitches
- 8. Sales Promotion Management
- Importance and role in marketing
- Promotional objectives
- Profit objectives
- Market share objectives
- Trade, retail and consumer promotion
- Consumer Franchise-building versus Non franchise-Building Promotion
- Consumer Sales Promotion tools
- POP materials
- Samples
- Coupons
- Trade promotions
- Rebates
- Premiums
- Combination offers
- Contests
- Sweepstakes
- games
- Trade Sales Promotion tools
- Trade Allowances
- Sales training program
- Sales shows
- Sponsorships and Event Marketing
- Measuring the effectiveness of Promotional Tools
- Definition and importance of direct marketing
- Economics of direct marketing
- Increasingly important role in IMC mix
- Understanding the DM business
- Database marketing
- Relationship marketing
- Interactive marketing
- How does marketing vary from other form of marketing
- Strengths of direct marketing
- Weakness of direct marketing
- Stand-alone marketing channel or part of a multi-media strategy
- Relationship to the total marketing mix
- Direct marketing strategies
- Customer level databases and lists and how they are used to profile, segment and prospect (for new) customers
- Sources and uses of/for ‘electronic’ data
- Database marketing on the internet
- Setting up a database for database marketing
- Steps in developing a database
- Managing the database
- Creating for DM making the message personnel
- Direct marketing concepts
- Lifetime value of the customer (LVC)
- List selection, prospecting
- Market segmentation
- Mail order, lead generation, circulation, relationship/loyalty programs, store traffic/site traffic generations
- Fund raising, pre-selling (cross selling as well as selling-up) and post selling
- Various direct marketing methods and media
- Person to person selling
- Group selling
- Direct mail
- Direct response television
- Direct response print advertising
- Catalogs
- Internet
- Telemarketing
- Inserts
- Videos
- Trade shows
- How traditional media support direct marketing efforts
- Public relations
- Future of direct marketing
- Global direct marketing: the current state and future
- Barriers preventing more extensive use of database marketing, ethical in DM
- Consumer’s relationship management
- The importance of CRM
- Studying the customer mix and managing the key customers
- Environmental issues
- World without borders
- Global warming, economic and environmental impact
- Resource use and sustainability
- Environmental degradation, ozone depletion, pollution, deforestation
- Universal human Rights- Universal Declaration(1949);Declaration of the right to development(1986);Examining the concept of ‘universal’ human rights and the individual context
- Self-determination- Issues of secession; issues of state and antistate violence
- Population, consumption and sustainability
- Emancipatory movements
- Trade union
- Peasants movements (with global vision)
- Environmental movements Chipko; Rachel Carson’s silent spirit; `72-UN summit on environment
- Women’s movement
- Homosexual rights
- The development debate, anti large dam movements, rehabilitation, development choices, people’s involvement
- Tribal movements
- State of Polity
- Decline of law
- Corruption
- Nexus between crime and politics
- Political apathy
- Authoritarianism by democratic governments
- Positive discriminations and reservations
- Communalism
- Issues of accountability
- Corporate Bhopal gas tragedy
- Government accountability