Lintas Group has launched Karishma Initiative, a new media service entity in order to globally align their businesses across various countries. This is Lintas third initiative after LMG and Aaren Initiative. Karishma Initiative will be headed by N P Sathyamurthy, who is also LMG’s COO.
KI has been operational since September 1, 2009 and has begun with a client size of more than Rs 500 crore. It is already serving brands like Samsonite, Revlon, Austrian Airways, Qatar Airways, Computer Associates, Sharp Electronics, Four Seasons and Geodesic and Bombay Dyeing.
Speaking about their latest business, Lintas Media Group’s Chairman and CEO, Lynn de Souza, who would also be overall in charge of KI, said, “The thought process behind launching another media service agency brand, in addition to Lintas Media Group, was very clear to us. We have a large and strong base of home grown blue chip businesses. We now need to expand our offering to clients who work with a global template. Though not key to the character of KI, this does help avoid conflict that global businesses may have with our legacy accounts”.