Hindustan Times has ventured into a deal with Washington Post where the former gets access to all the posts and articles written by Post to be published in HT. The move aims to increase the readership by offering exclusive international write-ups.
HT can feature daily articles, opinion pieces, book reviews and all the articles written by famous writers such as Fareed Zakaria (editor of Newsweek International), Robert Samuelson (financial columnist), David Ignatius (former editor of the International Herald Tribune and Post columnist).
Raju Narisetti, managing editor, The Post said, “The Washington Post is pleased that Hindustan Times, with its large audience base, has chosen to provide its readers in India content from the Post and Newsweek on an exclusive basis for English language newspapers. India’s growing role on a global stage makes readers in India a natural audience for the Post.”
Sanjoy Narayan, editor-in-chief, Hindustan Times also added, “This partnership between The Washington Post and Hindustan Times is actually a meeting of minds and a joining of forces that arm Hindustan Times readers to take on the world around them every day.”