Archive | TYBMM Semester 6 Books

TYBMM Journalism Semester 6 Reference Books

Posted on 09 September 2009 by BMMBoxer

Third Year BMM Journalism Semester VI

1.Press Laws and Ethics:

Basu, Durga Das; The Laws of the Press in India; (1986); Prentice Hall
Justice Grover; Press Law
Iyer, V; Mass Media Laws and Regulations in India; Asian Media Information and Communication CentreSorabjee, Soli; Law of Censorship in India
Law of Defamation – some aspects; Indian Law Institute and PCI publication
Parliamentary Privileges of the Press; Indian Law Institute and PCI publication
Violation of Journalistic Ethics and Public Taste; Indian Law Institute and PCI publication
Official Secrecy and the Press; Indian Law Institute and PCI publication
Violation of the Freedom of the Press; Indian Law Institute and PCI publication
Dhawan, Rajeev; Contempt of Court; Indian Law Institute and PCI publication
Ed. Glasser, Theodore; The idea of Public Journalism; (1999); Guilford Press
Belsey and Chadwick; Ethical Issues in Journalism and the Media; Routledge
Padhy, K.S; The Indian Press: Role and responsibility; (1994); Ashish Pub Hse.
Lambeth, Edmund; Committed Journalism; (1986); Indiana University Press
Black, Steel and Barney; Doing Ethics in Journalism; Freedom Forum
Padhy, K.S; The Muzzled Press;
Aggarwal, S.K; Media Credibility; (1989); Mittal Pub
Meyer, Philip; Ethical Journalism; (1987); Longman
Christians, Rotzoll and Fackler; Media Ethics; 2nd edition; (1987); Longman
Goodwin, E; Groping for Ethics; 2nd edition; (1987); Iowa State Univ. Press
Fink, Conrad; Media Ethics – in the Newsroom and beyond; (1988); McGraw Hill

2. Broadcast Journalism:

MacGregor, Brent; Live. Direct and Biased: Making TV News in the Satellite Age; (1997); Arnold
Parthasarthy, Ramaswamy; Here is the News; (1994); Sterling
Beaman, Jim; Interviewing for Radio; (2000); Routledge
Chatterji, P.C; Broadcasting in India; (1987); Sage
Herbert, John; Journalism in the Digital Age; (2000); Focal Press
Brittner and Brittner; Radio Journalism; ( 1977); Prentice-Hall
Ahuja; Audiovisual Journalism; (1988); Surjeet
Hilliard; Writing for TV, Radio and New Media; 7th edition; Wadsworth

3. Niche Journalism:

Bathla, Sonia; Women, Democracy and the Media; (1998); Sage Pub.
Joseph, Ammu and Abraham; Whose News
Venkateswaran, R.J; How to Excel in Business Journalism; (1994); Sterling
Hollie and Klug; Guide to Economic and Business Journalism; (1991); Columbia University Press
Houp, Kenneth and Pearsall; Reporting Technical Information; (1984); MacMillan
Dateline Earth, (Interpress)
Gopinath,C.Y; Travels with Fish
Dalrymple, W; City of Djinns
Iyer, Pico; Video Night at Kathmandu

4. Internet and Issues in Global Media:

Bagdikien, Ben; Media Monopoly; 6th edition; Beacon Press
Herbert, John; Practising Global Journalism; (2001); Focal Press
Yadava, J.S; Politics of News – Third World Perspectives; (1984); Concept Pub
Hall, Stuart; On-line Journalism; (2001); Pluto Press
Merrill, J .C; Global Journalism; (1983); Longman
World Communication and Information Report – (1999-2000)’, UNESCO Publication
Barrett and Tunstall; Studies on the Press; (1977); Royal Commission on the Press
Media Monitors in Asia, Asian Media Information Centre and Communication; (1996)
Chakravarty, Suhas; Press and Media: The Global dimensions, (1997); Kanishka
Media and Democracy in Asia; (2000); Asian Media Information and Communication Centre
Masterton, Murray; Asian Values in Journalism; (1996); Asian Media Information and Communication Centre

5. News Media Management:

Rucker and Williams; Newspaper Organisation and Management; 4th Edition; (1974); Iowa State University Press
Coleridge, Nicholas; The Paper Tigers;
Fink, Conrad; Strategic Newspaper Management; (1988); Random House
Sindhwani, T.N; Newspaper Economics and Management; (1979); Ankur Publishing
Homgren, Charles; Introduction to Management Accounting; Prentice Hall
Schall and Haley; Introduction to Financial Management; Tata McGraw Hill

6. Contemporary Issues:

International theory of Human Rights; Oxford University Press
Guha, R; Social Ecology; Oxford University Press
State of the world series; World Watch Institute
State of India’s environment; CSE; (2000)
D’Souza, Dilip; Branded by Law; (2001); Penguin
Banerjee, Ruben; The Orissa Tragedy; (2001); Books Today – India Today group
Mander, Harsh; Unheard Voices; (2001); Penguin

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