Archive | November, 2010

new to BMMBox!:p

new to BMMBox!:p

Posted on 17 November 2010 by BMMBoxer

Well new to BMMBox!aint a BMMite as yet but sure will be next year!i dont have a lot of knowledge to share but since i had to submit something to get registered so i am submitting this! hope to get registered and learn more about so as to submit knowledgeable and useful projects further!

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Changing Media Habits

Posted on 08 November 2010 by Cheryl Joy

Media has come a long way since the time when the Lumiere brothers lit up screens with the first ever movie. Ever since that hallmark event, there have been many changes in the media industry. From radio to television and internet today, there has been innovation in every step of this journey that the media industry has taken over the course of the last few decades. The changing forms of media have always signaled a difference in the attitudes of people and their way of looking at things and life. This has been reflected in the changes in media habits that have governed these time frames. A better understanding of the changes in the habits of media in different eras can be highlighted by looking at these eras differently for they all have some characteristic differences and peculiarities.

The Age of Radio

A major wave in the media industry came with radio around 1894. This was the first time that information could be broadcasted to such a large number of people at the same time. The success of Radio lay in the fact that it was quick and easily transmittable. For an audience that knew no other form of mass communication, this was a God send. However for a long time radio was used in a very basic manner for the transmission of important messages and news. It is only a lot later that radio became a form of entertainment and became used for transmitting music and eventually advertisements. While radio died down as a form of entertainment with the coming of televisions in the early 1900’s. However today we see a revival of the radio with many new radio stations that offer new age entertainment and music, thus finding an audience with the youth.

The Age of Television

What can be considered the biggest boon to the media industry came with the television in the early 1900’s. To the many people who refer to it as the ‘idiot box’ a reality check will ensure that they agree that television is definitely a big force to reckon with. It is one of the greatest inventions of modern time which continues to innovate and charm users till this date. With television, media became a lot more personal. While radio allowed people to hear voices and connect with them, television facilitated the combination of auditory and visual stimuli at the same time. For the first time, people were able to see and hear about places and people that previously they could only imagine. What started as the news soon transformed into many forms of entertainment through movies, music and soaps- all of which are a part of regular life today. Media through the television has played a big part in reducing and blurring boundaries between countries as no more did people not know what was going on from place to place. With the help of giant satellites people could get anything beamed into their own living rooms, from wars in the middle east to cricket matches in England- all at the click of a button. This signaled the arrival of new age media which was in your face and direct. Today this form of media has changed and morphed into a different entity altogether with reality television which takes reality into a different dimesion altogether. The trend of reality television as we see it today reduces all boundries and removes all notions of privacy catering to the voyeur that exists in every individual. This is the changing form of media in its most raw form.

The Age of the Internet
While radio and television have been great change harbingers, nothing can fathom the power of media as evident through the coming of the internet. What started as a simple communication tool in the form of emails has today taken a larger than life form that is growing each day. The age of the internet is one which not only reduces but removes all barriers or boundaries that existed between individuals and countries. No more is there any difference between someone sitting in New York and New Delhi for they both probably have the same coffee for breakfast, the same salad for lunch and the same pasta for dinner. This has been achieved through the power of the media, of not only transmitting information but transferring cultures from one place to another. The internet has enabled us to not only study about different places and different cultures but it has enabled us to live them, in every sense of the term. This is the changing face of the media today which has nothing impersonal about it. Social Networking is the flavor of the season. With all the Facebook updates and Twitter tweets, one is left wondering what is private anymore. Nothing is hidden and everything and everyone is accessible at all possible times and situations. This is the face of media today- one of constant change and dynamism, filled with excitement and that is truly indefinable as it changes evolves every single day.

The beauty of Media lies in the fact that there is nothing about it that can be fixed and certain. Never can we reach a stage from where media cannot evolve or be enhanced. It is only thing a form of expression that continues to find new facets of expression with each coming age and that is the only thing constant about this ever changing industry- its ability to never stay constant.

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Explore Explosive Careers @ FX School

Explore Explosive Careers @ FX School

Posted on 07 November 2010 by BMMBoxer

For Information on how you too can have an amazing career in Digital Film-making, Visual Effects and CG Animation, Digital Photography, and more, click on the poster below and register now!

For more information, click on the poster above and register now!

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Idea Generation Techniques For Media Students

Posted on 04 November 2010 by Garima Chak

The Wikipedia describes an idea “In the narrowest sense,” as “just whatever is before the mind when one thinks. Very often … construed as representational images; i.e. images of some object. In other contexts, ideas are taken to be concepts, although abstract concepts do not necessarily appear as images. Many philosophers consider ideas to be a fundamental ontological category of being.”

In a lay mans’ language however, an idea is a pieces of creative insight into a particular subject, and is usually associated with problem solving. It is also generally taken to be a stunt to promote progressiveness in a particular direction or for a particular cause. So if this is what an idea is then can we work on consciously generating ideas?

Perhaps this can be done- yes. But there is no set formulated method that will enable us to churn out ideas at the click of a button. Because, firstly, an idea is, to quite an extent, a human faculty, and therefore must be as unique and non-mathematically diverse as human beings themselves are in general. And secondly because an idea is like the lightning- it strikes without warning. However, even though it is difficult, we can learn to train ourselves into getting into idea generating modes using certain tricks and techniques. Here we shall talk about a few such techniques.

1. The first step to generate ideas is brain storming. This is a process by which we think of the idea open mindedly, and then jot down all the points that come to our mind, even vaguely related to the topic, in an unstructured manner. Once we have done this we then try to analyze our ideas and give a structure to our points. And often, this works as a trigger and while we structure our ideas many more ideas come to us.

2. Secondly, when trying to generate an idea related to a certain topic or theme, we need to think of that topic or theme in a broader perspective. When we begin to think of the subject in this way the scope of the subject will grow many fold and this will enable us to come up with newer ideas. This technique also helps in forming linkages between the not so direct implications of the subject. So one should not be afraid to digress a little, especially when trying to generate ideas.

3. Thirdly, if we begin to think of the audience or the people for whom the idea needs to be generated, we can simply come up with a number of ideas that will relate the subject to them. For instance, when we address a person with a particular issue in mind that we need to communicate to him, the first thing that we do is form a mental map how to transfer our message to that person. This includes a thought process that analyses the person and his possible behavior patterns, preferences and dislikes etc. this is basically the formulating of a strategy that will identify the path we need to take. And once we have identified this path generating ideas to create that path becomes a step-by-step procedure.

4. Fourthly, if we need a problem solving idea and find ourselves in a fix when using the traditional methods, what we need to do is stop trying to solve the problem and start analyzing what created the problem to begin with. In all probability, while we are doing this we will be able to ideate as to how the problem can be solved as well. This happens because when we try to solve a problem our mind often becomes fixated on the problem and so we are unable to come up with a or any solution.

5. Last but not the least, ideas click best when we are not trying too hard to look for them. This is the time when our mind when our mind is not fatigued or over burdened by pressures of work and dead-lines etc. So when it seems like your mind is simply not working, try sleeping over it, or do something that u find relaxing. More often than not, the idea that you need will come to you then.

To conclude I would like to add that an idea, if nothing else, is still a creative piece of inspiration. And anything that is creative, and is inspirational in any way is of great value. And now that we know how we can train ourselves to think creatively (=ideate) we will soon realize that when thinking often some brilliant ideas tend to come to us when we do not need them. However, this is the time when we need to realize that even these ideas are of immense value, and therefore must not be wasted. They must be stored and preserved for later use. After all “an idea can… change your life!”

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