Movie: The Twilight Saga- Eclipse
Cast: Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, Taylor Lautner
Director: David Slade
Rating: 3/5
One of the most awaited movies, the third film of the Twilight Saga released last week, continuing the Vampire- Human love saga with an action packed twist as compared to the earlier movies. Eclipse, begins with the romance between the epic Edward (Robert Pattinson) and Bella (Kristen Stewart). Adding a twist in the tale is Jacob (Taylor Lautner), the Wolf who also admits his love for Bella.
The movie revolves around Bella trying to make her choice between the cold blooded Vampire and the hot blooded Wolf. In addition to this, there are newborn bloodsuckers trying to hunt Bella down. The vampires and wolves form an alliance to get rid of the newborn vampires.
The movie has its share of romance and fun elements, like Edward and Jacob both proposing Bella, the rival clashes between Edward and Jacob, and Bella’s dilemma about what’s right for her. Though throughout the movie, it seemed like a Perfect Two Timing Relationship where everyone approves of it :-). The climax is an action studded war sequence followed by Bella’s decision on Edward Vs Jacob.
Watch the movie for Taylor Lautner and of course Bella-Edward romance 🙂
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