Virgin Mobile, India’s first national youth-focused mobile service has roped in Bollywood hottie Ranbir Kapoor and the chirpy Genelia Dsouza. The brand is completely youth focused and so the need to connect with youth is top priority. Ranbir and Genelia, both are Gen-Next superstars and thus the brand appeal increase with these two stars pitching in.
Sir Richard Branson, chairman and founder of the Virgin Group, said, “The Virgin Mobile brand in India has created distinct benchmarks in the youth segment since the time of its launch. The success of the brand will now be leveraged further with the launch of its GSM offerings, bringing the youth an international mobile telephony experience. This moment of triumph truly emphasizes the group’s focus on deepening its presence in one of the most exciting markets in the world.”
Genelia also did a photo shoot for the brand at the Bangalore Palace where she got to shoot amongst 1935 vintage Mercedes.
M.A. Madhusudan, chief executive officer, Virgin Mobile India, added, “The launch of Virgin Mobile India’s GSM services is a momentous occasion for all of us. It is yet another leap for the brand to target a wider reach in the burgeoning mobility market and offer greater flexibility to the youth of India. We are launching our services and we intend to stir the GSM space with another ten firsts. As the only mobile service brand designed for youth, we aim to provide them the most innovative and differentiated offerings with the experience of a world class network.”
Virgin ads have always been fun to watch. Hope the treat continues with the two Bollywood stars as well.