Event: Zeitgeist
Host: St. Xaviers College, BMM
When: 28th & 29th January, 2010
Where: Xaviers College
About the festival
Zeitgeist means “The spirit of the times” or “the spirit of the age.”
Zeitgeist is the general cultural, intellectual, ethical, spiritual, and/or political climate within a nation or even specific groups, along with the general ambience, morals, and socio-cultural direction or mood of an era (similar to the English word mainstream or trend).
It’s not about reading the newspaper and discussing it, it’s not about seeing an ad and going nuts over it, it’s not about seeing a poster and being amazed. It’s about conceptualizing, creating and living it.
We at St. Xavier’s College believe in the true potential of a BMM student hence through Zeitgeist we hope to showcase intra-BMM talent, through a series of exciting events spanning all spheres of media.
Event Schedule
28th January 2010 – Schedule
Event Name: Photo Shoot Out (photography event)
Date: 28th Jan, 2010
Time: 02:40PM – 04:10PM
Venue: Foyer
Event Name: The Time Traveller (photo exhibit)
Date: 28th -29th Jan, 2010
Time: –
Venue: Woods
Event Name: Workshop by Shishir Joshi
Date: 28th Jan, 2010
Time: 03:30PM – 04:30PM
Venue: Seminar Room
Event Name: Last AdMan Standing (Ad event)
Date: 28th Jan, 2010
Time: 03:30PM – 05:30PM
Venue: MMR
29th January 2010- Schedule
Event Name: Back to Basics (Band event)
Date: 29th Jan, 2010
Time: 03:00PM – 06:00PM
Event Name: Reel Life (Film making)
Date: 29th Jan, 2010
Time: 02:30PM – 05:00PM
Venue: SCAVI
Event Name: Hard Pressed (PR event)
Date: 29th Jan, 2010
Time: 12:30PM – 03:00PM
Venue: MMR
Event Name: Informal events
Date: 29th Jan, 2010
Time: 01:00PM – 02:30PM
Venue: BCR
Event Description/Rules and Regulations
PHOTO SHOOT-OUT – Photography Event
Venue: The Foyer
Date: 2:40- 4:10 on the 28th of January
No. of contestants: 2 per team, maximum number of teams per college- 3
4 teams playing against each other in a round, each round- 60 seconds.
First round – The first round is the elimination round where each team will have to try and click the maximum pictures you can of the members of the opposite team.
Second round – Now, this gets a little more challenging- participants have to click specific targets stuck on their opponent’s bodies.
Third round – Team-mates will be tied to each other before they proceed to play the game.
• Burst is not allowed (The multiple picture clicking option)
• Blurry pictures won’t be counted.
• Moving out of the demarcated area of the foyer will lead to disqualification
• No kind of violence- pushing or shoving is allowed in order to get pictures.
Venue: MMR, St. Xavier’s College
Date: 3.30-5.30 pm on the 28th of January 2010
No. of contestants/ team: 3
No. of teams/college: Unlimited
Submission Date for Ad: 26th January 2010
2 minutes to present their ad, in addition to 30 seconds screening time.
Contestants must submit their CDs three days before the event, in an FLV or WMV format.
Existing products cannot be used.
VENUE : MMR, St. Xavier’s College
DATE: 12.30- 3.00 pm on 29th January 2010
No. of contestants/team: 2
No. of team/college: 1
2 minute introductory speech from each team + 1 question from judges
5 teams will proceed to this round.
4 questions to each team from reporters
3 teams will proceed to this round.
Round-up rebuttal speech of 3 minutes, incorporating issues brought up through the question round.
• Since this a press-conference and not a debate, argument should not be initiated or indulged in during the reporter round
• Exceeding the time limit in answering a question (1 minute) after the first buzzer, will result in deduction of points.
• Defending your client through false claims is not allowed.
• Only one member in the team is allowed to speak for their client during the press conference. The other member is allowed to assist in terms of research and information.
First Round: The Furious
• Either the CL or the ACL from each college must participate.
• The round will last for 60 seconds
• The first one to either be thrown out of the RING or to fall 3 times or more looses the fight
The participants must defeat their opponent by pinning them down or chest-butting them out of the ring.
• The first few teams to register get an ADVANTAGE of picking up their opponent through a chit system.
• The victorious in each round pass on to the next round.
Second Round – The Fast
• Both the CL and ACL participate in this round as a team.
• Each of the teams will be given 45 seconds to guess as many placards as they can.
• The participants cannot take the name of the personality pictured on the cfard directly, he/she only has to ONLY describe the personality. References and facts about the personality are allowed.
• You can describe the colour of clothing in the placard.
• The team who guesses the maximum of celebrities wins.
REEL LIFE- Film-Making Event
Venue: SCAVI , St. Xavier’s College
Date: 2.30- 5.30 pm on the 29th of January 2010
No. of contestants/team: 3 per team, 2 entries per college.
OTSE allowed.
Submission date: 26th January 2010
JUDGE: Amole Gupte
The movie must be submitted in the AVI format on 2 CDS/DVDs. The movie must be at least of 2 minutes and maximum 5 minutes.
Venue: MMR, St. Xavier’s College
Date: 3.00- 5:30 pm on the 29th of January 2010
No of bands/college: 1
• The band must perform two songs, each from the two separate lists given.
• Maximum members in the band must be from BMM.
• No electric instruments are allowed.
• PERFORMANCE: bands will be given 2 minutes set-up time and 6 minutes for the set. Exceeding the time limit by a minute will result in a minus of 5 points and two minutes will result in a minus of 10 points.
• Bands must bring their own instruments.
THE TIME TRAVELLER-Photography Event
Venue: Photo-exhibit in the Woods
Date: From 12:30 pm onwards on the 28th & 29th of January (judging will happen between 3:00- 6:00 pm on the 29th)
No. Of contestants/team: 2
No. of teams/college: 1
Submission date: 26th January 2010
• All photographs must be original work of the contestants.
• Two photos cannot depict the same era in your set of photos.
Photoshop is allowed
Shishir Joshi, who has the experience of being the Group Editorial Director for Mid-day, Executive Editor for Aaj Tak, CNN and NDTV, will have a session on the nitty gritties of the big, bad world of reporting, while also briefing us on his upcoming, exciting mentorship programme; An enlightening workshop for all you budding wordsmiths.