Marks: 100 (Theory:60, Internals: 40)
- ¾ Certain basic principles: Accuracy, Objectivity, Clarity and speed
- ¾ The need to verify news. On the spot coverage, checking with the sources, double checking for controversial stories
- ¾ Understanding New Values
Topic of lectures
- Writing reports
- Leads and its types
- Gathering news
- New news writing style
- Investigative Reporting
Marks: 100 (Theory:60, Internals: 40)
- ¾ To allow improvement in language skills
- ¾ To impart skills required of a sub-editor
Topic of lectures
- Specific language inputs
- Structure and functions of the editorial set-up of a newspaper
- Functions of the sub-editor – Writing, editing, design
- Editing
- Typography and design
- Editing on the computer.
Marks: 100 (Theory:60, Internals: 40)
- ¾ Commenting on differences between reporting and feature writhing, the special skills needed for feature / Opinion writing
- ¾ Role of opinion writing the need for mature thinking and professional experience
Topic of lectures
- ‘Hard’ news, ‘soft’ news, definitions and differences
- ‘Report’ and ‘features’
- The non-news feature
- Special types of features
- Obits a brief history
- Reviews
- Columns
- Trend stories
- The Editorial page and op-ed page
- Editorial writing, special skills and analytical power
- Some famous editors in Indian journalism.
Marks: 100 (Theory:60, Internals: 40)
- ¾ To examine critically the relationship between the media and public, how much does the media influence public opinion Which are the agencies manipulating this process of influencing public opinion
Topic of lectures
- What is public opinion? Who constitutes the public?
- Which are the tools used to gauge public opinion? How reliable are they?
- Examining the process where the media is said to have a role in influencing
- public opinion? How far is this true? Examine the diversities and prejudices in the media, Issues as discussed by opinion makers like Walter Lippman, Noam Chomsky and Lasarsfeld
- Agenda setting v/s Uses and Gratifications model
- The increased use of comment in reporting
- Provocative editorials and news analysis
- Political opinion as formed by the media
- Role of media in times of war
- Vietnam and Iraq Wars, Bangladesh liberation, etc.
- Internal Conflicts and media reactions to these State terrorism, is media too much in sympathy with the views of human rights experts as
- Covering communal riots, ethnic problems,
- Shaping Trends how does media react to changing times
- The CNN effect impact.
Marks: 100 (Theory:60, Internals: 40)
- ¾ Study the evolution, growth and role in modern-day India of Indian newspapers other than in
- English
- ¾ Case studies of Hindi, Marathi, Telugu and Urdu newpapers
- ¾ Role of language papers in fostering socio – cultural development in their areas of circulation
- ¾ Study intimacy between readers and language newspapers
Topic of lectures
- Overview of impact of important newspapers
- Use of common facilities like news pool, personnel, etc.
- History and development of newspapers
- How Indian language newspapers have shaped outlook and cultural identities.
- Rise of ‘Hindi’ newspapers
- The language press and local politics
- Growth of regional newspapers
- Tendency to hunt for higher profits
- Political role of newspapers before and after Independence
- Role of editors in upholding standards of journalism
- Study the role of Editor- campaigners
- Era of mass circulated regional newspapers
Marks: 100
- ¾ This paper shall introduce the students to the art of newspaper and magazine design and will orient them towards the practical aspects of newspaper – magazine making.
Topic of lectures
- Graphic Communication – Past and Present
- Why and how we read
- Graphic Reproduction Processes and Presses
- Type and Typesetting
- Using Type Creatively
- Electronic Copy Processing Systems
- Preparation for Printing
- Principles of Magazine Layout
- Newspaper Design and Layout
- Internal Assessment : Individual Project
- Four page Local Newspaper- A3 size- Tabloid Four Page National Newspaper- Broadsheet
- Thirty-two page Magazine- A4 size.