Max. Marks: 100 (Theory:50, Internals: 50)
- ¾ To recognize the roles of advertising in modern society
- ¾ To understand the current developments and problems concerning advertising as an economic and social force.
- ¾ Appreciate the increasingly international nature of advertising.
- ¾ To analyze the interdependent nature of advertising and popular culture.
Topic of lectures
- Advertising in the Indian economy
- Advertising and culture
- Advertising and the audience
- Global advertising
- Internet marketing
- Social marketing.
Marks: 100 (Theory:60, Internals: 40)
- ¾ To familiarize the students with the concept of copywriting as selling through writing
- ¾ To develop their inherent writing skills
- ¾ To train students to generate, develop and express ideas effectively
- ¾ To familiarize students with contemporary advertising techniques and
- ¾ Practices
Topic of lectures
- Copywriting, Introduction, Responsibility of Copy writer
- Creative Strategy: Planning and Development
- Phases of campaign creation
- Brief
- The big idea
- Writing for print media
- Understanding the medium and writing for TV, Cinema, Radio, Innovative medium, Internet, SMS.
- Principles of writing press release copy 05 Writing copy for mail order, direct mail, yellow pages, trade directory, classified advertisement, B2B advertising.
- Different types of copy.
Paper-III — ADVERTISING DESIGN (Project Paper)
Marks: 100 (Internal:0, External, Viva: 50)
- ¾ To expose students to the creative and technical aspects of art direction
Topic of lectures
- Introduction to the Art department in ad agency
- What is Art Direction –Making of an Art Director
- Introduction to colour – colour harmonies
- Introduction to Illusion -Principles and elements of design
- Introduction to Photography
- Introduction to Typography/Calligraphy-Word expression , Layout designing Logo designing
- Introduction to desktop publishing
- Introduction to Print Production -stationary design
- Working with copy –partner
- Art direction in print media
- Art direction in outdoor Transit/Ambient
- Art direction in films /television
- Art direction in internet and new media
- Art direction in Direct Mailers
- Advertising campaign planning :Art -Radio ,T.V, Newspaper, magazine outdoor
- Corporate Identity systems – Packaging , Brochure,P.O.P ,etc.
- How to brief the art direction and get the best out of him.
Marks: 100 (Theory:60, Internals: 40)
- ¾ To introduce the students to the complexities of consumer behavior.
Topic of lectures
- Introduction to Consumer Behaviour
- Communication
- Perception : Physical Psychological : Subliminal perception
- Cultural – Subculture (concepts and its impact on consumer behaviour)
- Learning – Cognitive Theory, Conditioning Theory
- Attitude
- Motivation
- Personality
- Market Segmentation
- Social Class
- Groups
- Family
- The Consumer Decision making Process
- Adoption and Diffusion
- Indian Core Values
Marks: 100 (Theory:60, Internals: 40)
- ¾ To develop knowledge of major media characteristics and buying advertising space in them to develop an understanding of procedures, requirements, and techniques of media planning.
Topic of lectures
- Media planning
- Sources of media research
- Selecting the suitable media options
- Criteria for selecting the media vehicles
- Media timing
- Comparing and Evaluating continuity ofmedia options/choices
- Deciding the ideal media mix
- The communications mix
- Media buying and negotiation
- Competitive media expenditure analysis
- The concept of aperture
- Scheduling and budgeting allocation
- Media plan evaluation
- Media presentations to the client
- Media audit
Marks: 100 (Theory:60, Internals: 40)
- ¾ To provide an introduction to the concepts and practices of contemporary brand management.
- ¾ To understand the appropriate strategies and tactics to build, measure and manage Brand Equity.
- ¾ To learn to plan an effective advertising campaign
Topic of lectures
- The Brand
- Branding Strategies
- Introducing And Naming New Brands and Extensions
- Brand Positioning
- Brand Equity
- Brand Leveraging
- Managing Brands Over Time
- Building Brand On Internet
- Corporate Branding (Internal Assessment Only)
- Campaign Planning (Internal Assessment Only)