I hear people often saying things like “He/she is so ignorant, living in a bubble”, “Get out of your bubble”, “Come to me when that happy bubble bursts” and so on… But what I can only manage to say is I live in my imperfect, little beautiful bubble. Trying and trying harder with every passing day to know more and be more. Bombay being my very own tiny, imperfect, beautiful bubble. This city is where I’ve been born and brought up, it’s my very own. The City, the lights, the Padmini Taxis, the chaotic traffic scene, the architecture, the Pav, the people, the sky line, this ity has my heart and it is my soul. So this one’s to the city that’s given me my all. This one’s to the city that is so much more. Have a look, maybe this city will have your heart to. Meri Bombay, it’s my little bubble.
I walk on skies and float in the air.
I trip but I don’t fall because my city takes care.
I have cutting chai and maska pav, well that’s how my morning begins.
With all the junk food here, I’m surely never getting thin.
Causeway and Hill road, they are my shopping therapy
When I get sad there’s always Sunlight to go get tipsy.
Well, that’s all I have, my sad attempt at rhyme.
But you get the drift, it’s this city, it makes me want to shine.