Mobile Marketing is a type of marketing which is done using mobile services or in other words a ‘wireless medium of marketing’ in the form of an SMS (short message service) which is most commonly used and known to the people today. It may also be done by other ways on a mobile like an MMS and many more new features in a mobile which become a medium for marketing by the companies today.
It is a type of marketing which has amused the companies and they thus believe in using it to increase their business by just sending out smses to all the numbers in their database which are obtained by the different surveys they carry out everyday depending on what subject it is related. We many times see these surveyors outside our college asking us different questions related to the topic. This is how they get in contact with us and provide us with useful information regarding maybe job opportunities and many other types of opportunities. They contact us on the numbers we provided to them and we then become a part of their mobile marketing and in fact the gainers in this type of marketing.
A part of mobile marketing is when we sign up to access different services on the internet maybe a job site like monster or naukri where we put in our phone numbers for contact details and we end up getting calls from them regarding jobs and many other services, like in the case of banks, we get smses everyday regarding new services by them and also whether we would like to start our credit card service or even a a debit card or net banking service this is the type of marketing done by the bank officials as well as the other authorities who provide the recruiters for jobs with our details and they contact us through the mobile phone and it can thus be called mobile marketing. Apart from receiving calls on mobile phones we receive daily smses of new services started maybe by the network company itself and we thus come to know about these offers through smses and avail of the offer. There are also these types of messages which they call service messages which are sent on our phone regarding a holiday destination scheme and a contact number with it, if we are interested. All these types of messages in particular come under the mobile marketing category and it is a successful industry too with being second in terms of marketing today.
The other category in mobile marketing has been through MMS which every phone today has the facility to use and it is sent in d form of a multimedia message through image, audio, video type by many companies which use it as a medium to market their product. The company using this type of marketing was Motorola. The other ways also being through Bluetooth and infrared where the companies sent their messages through Bluetooth based technology. Mobile games are also a way through which the companies market their product in many ways. There are also many mobile advertising agencies which take up the task of putting advertisements in phones through messages and many other ways. It is a very upcoming type for which there are even associations made to handle issues related to mobile marketing and which takes up the task of improvising on the marketing strategies via a mobile phone.
Mobile marketing is a very good and new age technique which is used and can be used in future because it would save the work of the companies who would have to go around advertising and marketing for their product for people to purchase it from them, like the conventional way of salesmen at your doorstep trying their persuading skills for us to buy the product. Instead today, there are so many types of marketing and advertising which do not require labor by people but only mind and brains to make the people interested in what they have to say by direct smses or other types of applications on a mobile and also the use of marketing strategies by the companies which are a part of marketing their product. Thus it is most appropriate that the masses today should approve of this type of marketing as they would have to only sit in their couch and work through mobile phones to get their work done maybe from the smallest thing to the biggest like a message about a new discotheque opened or even a discount offer on holiday tickets to a particular destination. Mobile Marketing has made life so simple and problem free for people that they have to not move an inch or walk a mile to do their work anywhere today.