Aircel, the mobile phone service provider in India has decided to celebrate the festive season with a great cause. It has tied up with Helpage India, a Delhi based NGO to provide cell phones to the elderly in old age homes across India.
The cause encourages people across the country to donate old and spare mobile phones to the company. Aircel will then provide these cell phones with a free talk time for one year. Drop boxes will be setup at malls, clubs and Aircel retail outlets, where old and spare mobile phones can be dropped.
People can also become a part of the cause by registering on Aircel’s website or send an SMS ‘Donate Phone’ to 5800000. The company will also make arrangements to pick up phones from an individual’s doorstep.
Aircel COO Gurdeep Singh, said in the release, “We at Aircel are extremely sensitive to Corporate Social Responsibility and this festive season we encourage all to come forward and contribute by donating their old/spare mobile phones for the elderly in Old Age Homes.”