When it comes to advertising, the effectiveness of the print ads in the business is undeniable. Be it any type of product, be it for the general public or for a niche customer base, print ads are the way to go when you want to impress your customer. But given the sheer number of print ads that the customer is exposed to daily, it becomes very difficult to impress him/her. Therefore, it becomes imperative to develop the ad in such a way that it Stands Out.
1. Strong Opening Line: This is the first thing that a customer reads when exposed to the ad. If the opening line is strong enough, the person will continue reading. So if you want to get your whole ad and the message it holds to get noticed you have to have a strong opening line. The first paragraph of the copy must captivate the reader.
2. Colour Combination: The right colour combination will make your ad stand out and get noticed. It is not about being flamboyant but about getting observed by being different from others. Use colours that go with your brand colour palette and make your ad visually appealing.
3. Give away a sample: Today print advertising is not only about talking about your products features; it has moved further to displaying your product. Many companies actually distribute free samples of products along with the print ad. This helps build greater connect and gets people to use your product and see its benefit for themselves.
4. Ask Provocative Questions: When you include the provocative questions in your ad, it gets people thinking. Questions could be like: Is your tea as healthy as this (brand name)? or Want to be bald at 30? No? Then use this product.
5. Create An Appeal: The first step in creating a good advertisement is to establish an appeal – the reason the reader will buy your product, or request more information on it. The four main appeals are; sex, which includes love, affection and friendship; greed, things money can buy; fear, fear of not getting what you want, or losing what you have; and, duty or professionalism, what’s best for those you serve (best for the family, patients, etc.)
6. Use Simple Words and A Simple Writing Style: Readers are no analysts to scrutinize your ad and find meaning in it. You have hardly got a couple of seconds to captivate them and the only way it can be done is by being simple. Using simple words and writing style will help engage your audience and hold their attention.
7. Use Testimonials: It’s assuring to see a real person satisfied with the product. Testimonials (displaying positive reviews from users) make it easy to reach the desired audience. If your target group is housewives, then you can paste the picture of a housewife and your copy can talk about how she likes your product and so on. You can even target specific age groups stating the age of the depicted personality.
8. Use Pictures: Pictures can be helpful, but you must not use pictures that have nothing to do with the product or service. You want the pictures to attract buyers, not curiosity seekers. Pictures of the product, of the product in use, and of people using the product work best.