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Youtube ads

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  • Youtube ads

    The Evolution of Ad-kind!

    Do you know the funniest thing about ads? They never leave you! You can find them outdoors as you drive past them in your cars. On television or on the radio which go on and on and sometimes even more than your favourite program and sadly even on YouTube, which people used the find as the perfect replacement to watching program on TV.

    Just like how man evolved from an ape, Ads too have grown over the years from just being heard over the radio or seen on outdoors to interrupting our favourite TV shows to irritating us on YouTube. But have you heard of their next evolution? If you think you've had enough, think again! Just when we were thinking that ads online couldn't get more irritating, they just did! From now on Ads will be a part of the famous Social Networking Website, Facebook!

    You might be thinking, weren't there ads before on Facebook? Yes they were there, but they weren't Video ads right? In the latest of developments in the social media, video ads will be a part of Facebook whenever you try and load a page or move from one tab to another. Annoyed already?

    People were already fuming about the fact that it takes ages to buffer a video but an ad never buffers and is always in good quality, and this news comes in! There is also a possibility those ads in the window will be video windows, which will randomly start playing the moment you refresh or enter the page. People all over the world have been tweeting about the same and have been commenting on Facebook to not allow of the same as it might a major hindrance in the "social" life of the people. Think about it. Whenever you go on messages or open the tab for friend requests you'll have to wait till the ad gets over in order to move ahead and check the tab.

    To make things even worse than this, there is even a talk in the market that the same maybe applied to the Facebook app in phones and tablets.

    For what its worth, these might be the only times for all of us to enjoy the "freedom" on Facebook for however long or short they maybe.