Religare Enterprises Limited (REL), one of the leading financial services groups in India has appointed LINopinion as its PR agency. Linopinion is the public relations division of Lowe Lintas. LINopinion will be responsible for Religare’s Indian market and will continue to establish it as a global brand in the financial services sector.
Mr. Subhrangshu Neogi, Director, Brand and Corporate Communications, REL said, “Several top Indian agencies were invited to pitch and we graded them on various parameters including understanding of the sector, strength and credibility. LINOpinion were the clear winners. Given the diverse nature of Religare’s business it was crucial to select an agency which has both depth and width to handle the full suite of our products and services.”
Ameer Ismail, Executive Director, LINOpinion further added, “LINOpinion is delighted to be working with Religare in India. It is our mandate to continue to build awareness of one of India’s most dynamic financial companies and we are confident of delivering the best. We hope our relationship with Religare proves to be a longstanding one.”