The world’s best travel guide is set to come to India with the help of world’s finest creative guide. Yes, we are talking about the launch of Lonely Planet Magazine in India. The magazine is a delight for travelers across the world, providing its readers various destinations along with all the required info. The magazine has appointed Mudra West as its creative partner for the launch in India.
Confirming the news, Arijit Ray, executive vice-president and head, Mudra West, said, “Lonely Planet is one of the most highly regarded brands in the travel space. We are looking forward to launching the brand’s magazine offering in the country. We will work closely with the brand team to create a distinctive communication plan for the magazine.”
The magazine is already established in UK and Brazil. The magazine aims at providing the Indian traveler with fresh and relevant information. It will serve as a travel guide for national as well as international locations. The magazine will be customized for the Indian markets and will also provide handy tips for an Indian traveler.
The magazine officials added, “We appreciate Mudra’s understanding of the brand essence. We look forward to work as a team with Mudra West. Our priority will be to ensure a fantastic launch in the first quarter of 2010.”