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Brand building concepts

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  • Brand building concepts

    Concepts with Answers

    An individual who has the ability to control information to a decision maker. The purchase may be consumed or blocked by this member.

    2) Dogmatism
    A personality trait that reflects the degree of rigidity a person displays toward the unfamiliar and toward information that is contrary to his or her own established beliefs.
    A person who is high dogmatic approaches the unfamiliar defensively and with considerable discomfort and uncertainty
    3) Rational appeal
    There are two types of appeal Rational and emotional appeal, In rational appeal the functional benefits of a product is highlighted. Industrial buyers are most responsive to rational appeal. This is generally product oriented appeal e.g Colgate sensitive pro relief
    4) Sub culture
    A distinct cultural group that exists as an identifiable segment within a larger, more complex society or A subdivision of culture based on unifying characteristics, such as social status or religion, whose members share similar patterns of behaviour distinct from that of the culture.
    5) Negative motives
    A driving force away from some object or condition. Some refer to negative drives as fears. Both negative and positive motivation initiate and sustain human behaviour.
    6) Acculturation
    Acculturation is a process in which members of one cultural group adopt the beliefs and behaviours of another group. In other words it is the learning of a new or foreign culture.
    7) Comparative advertising
    Advertising that explicitly names or otherwise identifies one or more competitors of the advertised brand for the purpose of claiming superiŽority, either on an overall basis or in selected product attributes.
    Comparative ads are capable of exerting more positive effects on brand attitudes, purchase intentions, and purchase than non-comparative advertisements. E.g. Colgate vs Pepsodent
    8) Opinion leader
    A person who informally gives product information and advice to others OR trendsetters who purchase new products before others in a group and then influence others in their purchases example During a coffee break, a co-worker talks about the movie he saw last night and recommends seeing it.
    Opinion leaders are four times more likely to be asked about political issues, three times more likely to be asked about computers or investments, and twice as likely to be asked about restaurants.
    9) Enculturation
    The learning of the culture of one's own society . Enculturation is the process where the culture that is currently established teaches an individual the accepted norms and values of the culture or society where the individual lives. The individual can become an accepted member and fulfil the needed functions and roles of the group.
    10) Sleeper effect
    The tendency for persuasive communicaŽtion to lose the impact of source credibility over time (i.e., the influence of a message from a high credibility source tends to decrease over time; the influence of a message from a low credibility source tends to increase over time)
    11) Cognitive dissonance
    The discomfort or unpleasantness that consumers experience as a result of conflicting informaŽtion. This dissonance produces tension. Dissonance can occur mostly for durables although it can exist for almost every purchase.
    12) Adoption process
    The stages through which an individual consumer passes in arriving at a decision to try (or not to try), to continue using (or discontinue using) a new prodŽuct.
    The five stages of the traditional adoption process are awareness, interest, evaluation, trial, and adoption
    13) Attitude
    Attitude (positive – negative , favourable or unfavourable) is how a person feels towards an object .
    A learned predisposition to behave in a consisŽtently favourable or unfavourable manner with respect to a given object.

    14) Consumer ethnocentrism
    A consumer's predisposition to accept or reject foreign-made products. Ethnocentrism has been found to vary by country and product. Mexican conŽsumers, for example, are more ethnocentric than their French and American counŽterparts; and Malaysian consumers, while preferring to purchase slacks, shirts, undergarments, and belts that are locally manufactured, want to buy imported sun-glasses and watches

    15) Consumer conformity
    The willingness of consumers to adopt the norms, attitudes and behavior of reference groups.Marketers may have divergent goals with regard to consumer conformity. Some marketers, especially market leaders, are interested in the ability of reference groups to change consumer attitudes and behavior by encouraging conformity

    16) Empty nest 1
    It relates to parents whose children do not live with them and couple has none to support except themselves.
    Usually they are still employed and their level of income is quite high due to long service or progress in business..

    17) Innovative consumer
    The degree to which a consumer adopts new products, services, and ideas prior to others.

    18) Subliminal Perception
    People are also stimulated below their level of conscious awareness; that is, they can perceive stimuli without being consciously aware that they are doing so.

    This process is called subliminal perception because the stimulus is beneath the threshold, or "limens," of conscious awareness, though obviously not beneath the absolute threshŽold of the receptors involved.
    19) Ethnocentrism
    The universal tendency for people to view their own group as the center of the universe, to interpret other social units from the perspective of their own group, and to reject persons who are culturally dissimilar similar

    20) Gender as a sub culture
    The Subculture based on Male-Female divide is known as Gender Subculture. The needs and wants of men and women differ to a great extent. Accordingly, their buying habits also differ.